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2014年08月25日 20:57 PDF版 分享转发





The study of the Falun Gong phenomenon is of great significance not only forChina but also for the entire world due to its global impacts. This thesis is asystematic analysis of both the religious dimension and the life science dimensionof the Falun Gong phenomenon, clarifying serious confusions created by thepropanganda machine of the communist government in China. This researchhas generated and made use of rich original sources, including the writings ofLi Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, personal experiences of Falun Gongpractioners, and media reports of Falun Gong, especially reports before itssuppression by Chinese government in 1999. For the purpose of deepeningour understanding of Falun Gong, this thesis also explores the phenomenon ofQigong in general and miraculous human capabilities in particular.

This study shows that Qigong is a combination of physical exercise with moralcultivation in a special way. Its extraordinary effects, especially the miraculoushuman capabilities, cannot be fully explained by current empirical science, andthey are definitely incompatible with Marxist-Leninist ideology. The rapiddevelopment of Falun Gong, in spite of brutal suppression by the Chinesegovernment, lies in the fact Falun Gong is extraordinary effective in bringingabout both physical health and mental health in the environment where crisis ofbelief is caused by the collapse of state ideology. As Jesus, Li Hongzhi has won thehearts of thousands of practitioners who have found meaning of life and whosevarious physical illness have been cured through persistent practice in accordancewith the teachings of him.


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