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《生命之光 纪念陈一谘文集》

2015年01月08日 6:24 PDF版 分享转发


生命之光 纪念文集

  • 作者: 《纪念陈一谘文集》编辑委员会
  • ISBN: 9789881329530
  • 出版社: 
  • 出版日期: 2014年12月
  • 语言类别: 繁体中文
  • 售价: HK$118.00
  • 出版地: 
  • 规格: 平装 / 共273页 / 单色印刷






Chen Yizi deserves a place not only in the history of China but in the history of optimism. I knew him well during the first years of his exile after the June Forrth massacre. Those were glum days, but Chen was always smiling, always working, always sure that the world could be made better.

—— Perry Link, University of California

Chen Yizi risked his career many times for his country. He was brave enough repeatedly to speak the truth so that China could modernize more quickly and more successfully. His advice was good, but it was not always taken. I admired his spirit of daring to know and daring to speak.

—— Andrew Nathan, Columbia University

I mourn the passing of my friend Chen Yizi. He was a true reformer and Chinese patriot who deserves a place of honor in Chinese history.

—— George Soros, Open Society Foundations


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