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立场 | 首回应被拒入境香港 马凯:将重读《1984》

2018年11月11日 6:19 PDF版 分享转发

《金融时报》亚洲新闻编辑、外国记者会(FCC)第一副主席(Victor Mallet)前天(11月8日)以游客身份来港时,被查问数小时后遭拒绝。他昨晚在facebook 发帖,贴出自己的总部采访证和八达通相片(上图),表示未来日子不再需要这些东西,而原定来港与同事会面、出席国际文学节、与香港朋友道别、再访全亚洲最好的新闻界俱乐部FCC 等,在未来一段日子都不能做到。他最后指自己将会迁居欧洲,也会重读George Orwell 的名着《1984》,他引述书中极权政府的口号:「战争就是和平,自由就是奴役,无知就是力量(WAR IS PEACE / FREEDOM IS SLAVERY / IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH)」,似讽刺中国和香港政府。



A. Some things I won’t be needing in the days ahead
1. See picture – though the press card seems to be valid till 2020

B. Some things I won’t be doing in Hong Kong in the days ahead
1. Meeting colleagues as planned
2. Attending Hong Kong International Literary Festival events
3. Meeting friends and saying goodbye. OK, partying. Sorry Mercedes. Have a great wedding
4. Organising in person to pay my Hong Kong taxes
5. Picking up Michele’s repaired ring from the jeweller
6. Cashing in the kids’ old Octopus cards
7. Dentist. Sorry Sandra.
8. Going to the Fcc HK, Asia’s best press club (and home to the world’s best bar).
9. Sailing in the Round the Island Race.

C. Some things I will be doing in the days ahead
1. Re-reading Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. (The Party’s slogans are WAR IS PEACE / FREEDOM IS SLAVERY / IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH)
2. Moving to Europe

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