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CECC: CECC 主席声明﹕ “占中九子”被定罪是压制和平的政治异议人士

2019年04月10日 4:20 PDF版 分享转发


     美国国会及行政当局中国委员会(CECC)在的雨伞运动当中的“”被法庭定罪后﹐于美国东岸时间星期二凌晨以委员会主席麦戈文众议员(Rep. James P. McGovern)与共同主席鲁比奥参议员(Senator Marco Rubio)的名义发表声明。
    声明表示﹕“自从2014年发生雨伞运动以来﹐政府加大了对香港事务的干预力度﹐香港政府一直在积极压制政治参与和言论。 过去的一年的情况特别令人感到不安﹐因为香港在美国与香港的关系所依赖的“一国两制”框架下的自治权继续受到侵蚀。 对“九子”(Umbrella Nine)的指控和判决是有效地惩罚了和平的政治异议﹐并且缩小了言论自由与和平集会的空间。委员会敦促香港政府大力扞卫法治与自由﹐这是香港建立多项经济成就的基础。”
    “Since the 2014 Umbrella Movement, the Communist Chinese Government has increased its interference in Hong Kong’s affairs and the Hong Kong government has been complicit in actively suppressing political participation and speech. The past year has been particularly troubling, as Hong Kong’s autonomy under the ‘one country, two systems’ framework—on which U.S.-Hong Kong relations depend—continues to be eroded. The charges and verdicts against the ‘Umbrella Nine’ effectively punish peaceful political dissent and narrow the space for free expression and peaceful assembly. We urge the Hong Kong government to vigorously defend the rule of law and the freedoms on which Hong Kong’s many economic successes have been built.” —— 原载:
纵览中国刊登日期: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 关键词: CECC 占中九子

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