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2019年05月24日 11:28 PDF版 分享转发




  1. 征集“中华各界人士赴京声援团”旗帜摄影图片。
  2. 情景描述:中华各界人士赴京声援团是在1989年5月23日京城爆发声援学运、抵制5月20日国务院《戒严令》的百万民众后,由当时的绝食团成员罗姆(即曹旭云)于当天下午在广场领头成立的保卫的一个民间声援团。(相关情形在曹旭云着《爱尔镇书生》一书中有详细描述。)该声援团成立的当日下午,即在天安门广场人民英雄纪念碑的东侧二层竖起了一面旗帜。该旗帜底色为红色或白色已记忆不详,在裸旗上用墨笔亲书“中华各界人士赴京声援团”11个字。一直到6月4日清场时消失。
  3. 当时现场有许多中外媒体及摄影爱好者。相信一定有相关摄影图片被存留下来。现有奖征集该旗帜的照片。具体征集方式如下:
  1. 征集照片1-2张。
  2. 按提供者上传时间顺序,首先被确认者,每张照片支付1000美元。
  3. 程序:由提供人将照片的复印件上传至公民力量征图专用邮箱: [email protected],由当事人曹旭云确认后,公民力量安排约见交接和奖金支付。交接方式可选用邮寄或呈送实体照片两种途径。
  4. 要求:图片清晰,角度周正,最好是彩色。
  5. 此征集活动长期有效,一直到该图片征集工作完成(以曹旭云委托公民力量官方发布为准)。
  1. 此次有奖征图圆满结束,将根据需要,与有关人权机构和研究者一起,发起类似的后续活动。


Award-Winning Photo Collection Activity of the 1989 Democracy Movement

May 23, 2019

It’s been 30 years since the 1989 Democracy Movement and the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre took place. However, the censorship and blockage of Chinese Communist regime have left many precious first-hand materials and documents obscured by the dust of history, facing possible permanent loss, which makes the truth more difficult to be revealed and future historical research harder to carry on. As an important part of Chinese history, the 1989 Democracy Movement, including its experience and lessons, passion and thinking, will certainly be a valuable legacy of all Chinese. In view of this, Mr. Cao Xuyun, founder of the “Supporters Group from All Walks of Life to Beijing” in 1989, hopes to collect relevant materials and documents. Now Mr. Cao is organizing the award-winning photo collection activity, assisted by Citizen Power Initiatives for China (CPIFC):

  1. Purpose: Collect photos of the flag of the “Supporters Group from All Walks of Life to Beijing”.
  2. Description: After the one-million-people parade broke out in Beijing on May 23, 1989 (aimed at supporting the students’ democratic movement and boycotting the martial law issued by the State Council on May 20, 1989), the “Supporters Group from All Walks of Life to Beijing” was established by Luo Mu (Cao Xuyun), a member of the hunger strike group to defend Tiananmen Square on the same day. (The relevant situation is described in detail in Cao Xuyun’s book A Scholar from L Town). On the afternoon of that day, a flag was erected on the east side of the People’s Heroes Monument in Tiananmen Square. The background color of the flag was red or white (not very sure). On the flag, there were eleven handwritten Chinese characters “中华各界人士赴京声援团”. It disappeared until the clearance on June 4, 1989.

III. There were many Chinese and foreign media and photographers in Tiananmen Square at that time. We believe that there must be related photos left somewhere. Now we hope to collect the photos of this flag by giving some bonus. The specific collection methods are as follows:

  1. Collect 1-2 photos.
  2. The provider(s) of the first 2 confirmed photos will be rewarded with $1,000 per photo.
  3. Procedure: The photocopies of the photos should be sent to the specific email of CPIFC ([email protected]). After the confirmation by Mr. Cao Xuyun, CPIFC will arrange the photo transfer and payment of the bonus. The transfer method can be either by mail or by submitting physical photo(s).
  4. Requirements: The photo is clear (color photos are preferred) and the shooting angle is positive.
  5. This activity will be valid until the completion of the collection of the photos (The official announcement will be declared by CPIFC entrusted by Mr. Cao Xuyun).
  6. After this activity, similar follow-up activities, if needed, will be organized with relevant human rights organizations and researchers.


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