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2021年06月01日 0:34 PDF版 分享转发



这个长周末的周一,五月三十一日,是阵亡将士纪念日,在油管上看到一个电视台的记者在某大学校园采访学生对这个日子的了解。学生们的回答令记者大跌眼镜,所有被问到的人都以为这个假日根本就不该设立,那些所谓的阵亡将士是美国的耻辱,因为他们死于侵略他国,抢占殖民地的战争,不过是些炮灰。记者采访到的最后一个学生,竟然用了”F”打头的话,辱骂这个假日:”F… Memorial Day!”记者对电台的主持人说:我的肺都要气炸了!我做梦也没有想到美国大学会教育出这样的学生!会对用自己的生命为他们这些年轻人换来安逸生活的军人们如此地极尽侮辱!我们的教育确实出了大问题!








Follow-up report on “Li Nanyang sued the Customs” (83) 

——the road to decline

This long weekend – Monday, May 31st, is the Memorial Day of the United States. On YouTube, I saw a media reporter interviewing students on a university campus how much they know about the “Memorial Day”. What surprised the reporter was that all the students being asked thought that this holiday should not be set at all. Those so-called fallen soldiers were a disgrace to the United States because they were nothing but “cannon fodder”, because that they died as invading other countries and occupying colonies. The last student interviewed by the reporter used the word with “F” at beginning to insult this holiday: “F… Memoria day!” The reporter said to the anchor host: My lungs are going to explode! I never dreamed that American universities would educate such students! It would be so insulting to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for these youth who live a comfortable life! There is indeed a big problem in our education! 

More than just young students, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris tweeted on Saturday: “enjoy the long weekend” with a Narcissistic photo. The vice president’s indifferent to fallen soldiers who were killed in the fight for freedom drew a rebuke from netizens and conservative media. Actually, there is nothing surprising. Last summer, there were a lot of American historical statues being destroyed. Has anyone ever counted how many of them? Has anyone ever counted the reasons for those crazy American Red Guards to tear down the statues? 

On 18th next month, it will be 7th year of the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate Court accepted my case of “Litigation against the Customs”. The trial of it is still unforeseeable. Zhang Yuzhen has been consistently pursuing her counter-claim against Li Nanyang and Stanford University for the “Li Rui material ownership” in the United States, and there is no sign of giving up. The Chinese Communist Party is no longer alone. They have alliances in the United States, they all believe “cancel/destroy culture and history”. 

My historical knowledge is very limited, but I know that Qin Shihuang's rule was consolidated by burning books and burying confucianists. Destroying culture and history is the first step towards autocracy and dictatorship. Today, Li Rui's material remains in the Hoover Institution, which is of special significance. It is not only historical record for Chinese people's understanding of the nature of the Chinese Communist Party, but also a lesson/China catastrophe for Western democratic society to learn from! A country without faraway history can be full of vigor and vitality, but a country that destroys its own history will inevitably decline.

“June 4”, Chinese people do never forget!


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