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2020年12月26日 6:55 PDF版 分享转发

作者: 大纪元新闻网 , 文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。


时间 2020 12 24
事件 寄语
受访者姓名: 总统 和 第一夫人梅拉尼娅
The President and I want to wish every American, a very Merry Christmas.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
During the sacred season, Christians celebrate the greatest miracle in human history. More than 2000 years ago God sent His only begotten Son to be with us. An Angel announced the birth of our Lord and Saviour, to humble shepherds. He said, I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all of the people. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord, you will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger. At Christmas, we thank God for sending us his son, to bring peace to our souls and joy to the world.
在这神圣的日子里,基督徒庆祝人类历史上最伟大的奇蹟。 2000多年前,上帝差遣祂的独生爱子来到人间。天使对谦卑的牧羊人宣告了我们的诞生。他说,我给你带来了好消息,将为世人带来极大喜悦的好消息。今天,在大卫镇,救世主已降生。他是弥赛亚,你们的主。你会找到一个被衣服包裹,躺在马槽里的婴儿。在圣诞节,我们感谢上帝将他的儿子送给我们,为我们的灵魂带来宁静,为世界带来欢乐。


Unknown Speaker 0:47
As you know, this Christmas is different than years past. We are battling a global pandemic that has affected all of us. Yet through this great challenge, we have been inspired by the kindness and courage of citizens across this country. Teachers have worked extraordinary hard to keep our children learning. Students have delivered groceries to elderly neighbours. Communities have found new ways to stay connected to one another. Courageous first responders, doctors and nurses have given everything to save lives. Brilliant scientists have developed treatments and vaccines.
大家都知道,今年的圣诞节与往年不同。我们正在与影响我们所有人的全球大流行病作斗争。面对这一巨大的挑战, 全国各地民众的善良和勇气一直在鼓舞着我们。老师们付出了极大的努力,使孩子们能继续学习。学生们则将生活用品送到年长的邻居家。社区找到了保持彼此联系的新方法。勇敢的急救人员,医生和护士为拯救生命竭尽全力。杰出的科学家已经开发出了治疗方法和疫苗【小编推荐:显微镜学家发表对四家疫苗公司的成分分析】。

# #圣诞节寄语 #

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