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Ivanka speech on 2016 RNC, 伊万卡2016年RNC演讲,中英字幕subtitle。美丽超群,才华洋溢的伊万卡演讲如散文诗般优美。四年后看她对唐纳德川普的描述,方知真实不虚。

2021年01月05日 8:20 PDF版 分享转发

作者: 夏林评论 , 文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。

Ivanka speech on 2016 RNC, 伊万卡2016年RNC演讲,中英字幕subtitle。美丽超群,才华洋溢的伊万卡演讲如散文诗般优美。四年后看她对唐纳德川普的描述,方知真实不虚。

Ivanka speech on 2016 RNC, 2016年RNC演讲,中英字幕subtitle。美丽超群,才华洋溢的伊万卡演讲如散文诗般优美。四年后看她对唐纳德的描述,方知真实不虚。


“Fortunately, is incapable of thinking small. When I was a child, my father always told me, Ivanka, if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big. As President, my father will take on the bold and worthy fights. He will be unafraid to set lofty goals and he will be relentless in his determination to achieve them.”
“幸运的是,从不目光短浅。当我还是个孩子,我父亲总是告诉我,‘伊万卡,如果你要想什么,一定要往大里想。’ 作为总统,我父亲会承担大胆的和有价值的战斗。他不害怕树立远大的目标,他会不屈不挠地区实现它。”

“He can’t bear the injustice of college graduates who are crippled by student debt, and mothers who can’t afford of the childcare required to return to work to better the lives of their families. Other politicians see these hardships, see the unfairness of it all, and they say I feel for you. Only my father will say, I’ll fight for you.”
“ 也许因为他是,看到空荡荡的主街和木板围成的工厂,川普无法忍受。他也不能忍受大学毕业生因学生债务、母亲因负担不起儿托费用无法回去工作改善家庭生活所遭遇的不公。其他政客看到这些艰辛,看到这一切的不公会说:我知道了。只有我父亲会说,我为你而战。”

“Politicians ask to be judged by their promises, not their results. I ask you to judge my father by his results. Judge his values by those he’s instilled in his children. Judge his competency by the towers he’s built, the companies he’s founded, and the tens of thousands of jobs he’s created. He is the single most qualified serve as chief executive of an $18 trillion economy. ”
” 政客们要求根据其承诺而不是成绩来评判他们。我请求你们根据成绩来评判我的父亲。根据他在孩子身上灌输的价值观来判断他的价值观。根据他建造的高楼、创立的公司和创造的成千上万个就业机会来判断他的能力。他是一个最有资格担任18万亿美元经济体首席执行官的人。”

#Ivanka speech #English speech with subtitles #伊万卡演讲中英字幕


Ivanka speech on 2016 RNC, 伊万卡2016年RNC演讲,中英字幕subtitle。美丽超群,才华洋溢的伊万卡演讲如散文诗般优美。四年后看她对唐纳德川普的描述,方知真实不虚。

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