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2020年08月27日 11:28 PDF版 分享转发


陳光誠26日美國共和黨大會發言 揭中共邪惡。著名中國異議人士﹑維權律師陳光誠﹐受邀今晚在美國共和黨大會中發言。他在會前接受本台記者電話採訪時表示﹐其發言內容將聚焦在揭露中共邪惡。 pic.twitter.com/ybVghWRnpK— 小婷 (@ttingxiao) 点此链接观看视频或图片 August 27, 2020

















“作为赤脚律师,他为那些无法挺身抵抗共产主义政府的人士寻求正义,其对公正和自由的追求、赢得了全世界的赞赏。”共产主义受害者基金会执行董事马里恩·史密斯(Marion Smith)于2015年为陈光诚颁发杜鲁门-里根自由勋章时说。




This is my whole RNC speech

My name is Chen Guangcheng.

Standing up to tyranny is not easy. I know.

When I spoke out against China’s “one child” policy and other injustices, I was persecuted, beaten, and put under house arrest by the Chinese Communist Party — The CCP.

In April, 2012, I escaped and was given shelter in the American embassy in Beijing. I am forever grateful to the American people for welcoming me and my family to the United States where we are now free.

The CCP is an enemy of humanity. It is terrorizing its own people and it is threatening the well-being of the world.

In China, expressing beliefs or ideas not approved by the CCP — religion, democracy, human rights — can lead to prison. The nation lives under mass surveillance and censorship.

The CCP is focused on power and control, and acts without regard to the law or to human rights. Countless activists have disappeared or are under house arrest. Just consider the sad plight of the Uyghurs in concentration camps.

Outside its borders, the CCP ignores international treaties and norms, whether it is violating the rights of Hong Kong, cheating on trade deals, threatening Taiwan, or exploiting the World Health Organization.

The coronavirus pandemic, originating in China — and covered up by the CCP — has caused mass death and social upheaval around the world.

In the same way, the virus of the CCP is threatening the people of the world. The policy of appeasement of former administrations — including Obama and Biden — has allowed the CCP to infiltrate and corrode different aspects of the global community.

The Chinese Communist Party goes through the dance of diplomacy . . . but it seeks to make the rest of the world bow to its authoritarian vision. The CCP is waiting patiently for the US and other democracies to bend to its will under fear of economic retribution.

The US must use its values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law, to gather a coalition of other democracies to stop China’s aggression. President Trump has led on this and we need the other countries to join him in this fight. A fight for our future.

Standing up to fight unfairness is not easy. I know. So does President Trump . . . but he has shown the courage to wage that fight.

We need to support, vote, and fight for President Trump . . . for the sake of the world.

Thank you.


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