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高速公路坐一排 “黑命贵”分子不要命了?【阿波罗网编译】

2021年01月19日 11:55 PDF版 分享转发

作者: 阿波罗网记者秦瑞编译报道

阿波罗网记者秦瑞编译,《布赖特巴特》报道,””抗议者占领关闭了高速公路 。

阿波罗网记者秦瑞编译,《布赖特巴特》报道,”黑命贵”抗议者占领关闭了西雅图高速公路 。

一群 “黑命贵 “的抗议者周一占领了州西雅图的一条高速公路。这群人关闭了高速公路上的交通,并迫使警方作出反应。


抗议活动始于周一下午的马丁-路德-金纪念游行。西雅图抗议网(Seattle Protest Network)在推特上写道,在某个时候,一群人脱离出来,开始占领5号州际高速公路。

We’ve got a couple of events happening right now in Seattle, the MLK march is headed down Yesler and a group has broken off to block Interstate 5 near downtown. pic.twitter.com/QfkXE2dGTv— Seattle Protest Network (@SEAProtestNet) 点此链接观看视频或图片 January 18, 2021

西雅图KTTH电台主持人杰森·兰茨(Jason Rantz)的另一条推文显示,一大群抗议者沿着高速公路附近的地面街道游行。一度,镜头转向高速公路,看到警察在那里进行逮捕。

Crazy anti-cop Seattleite shouts as cops arrest lunatics protesting on the freeway. pic.twitter.com/EV7UmhpqjC— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) 点此链接观看视频或图片 January 18, 2021


#Seattleprotest kids are getting arrested for blocking the freeway right now. Large march walking through Seattle right now, as well. pic.twitter.com/kDORQDHoNg— Kitty Boomhauer (@KBoomhauer) 点此链接观看视频或图片 January 18, 2021


#Seattleprotest kids are getting arrested for blocking the freeway right now. Large march walking through Seattle right now, as well. pic.twitter.com/kDORQDHoNg— Kitty Boomhauer (@KBoomhauer) 点此链接观看视频或图片 January 18, 2021

警瑞克-约翰逊(Rick Johnson)在推特上说,他们正在进行逮捕,预计高速公路很快就会畅通。

点此链接观看视频或图片 @wastatepatrol troopers are at the scene and arresting the individuals blocking the freeway. The freeway will be clear shortly.— Trooper Rick Johnson (@wspd2pio) 点此链接观看视频或图片 January 18, 2021



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