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2016年11月16日 10:37 PDF版 分享转发


我们看到协会终于采取了行动使远志明离开事工, 这让我们很安慰。 我们认为这是这是他承认有罪的第一步,也是对柴玲姐妹和其她可能的受他的不道德和罪恶行为侵害的受害者公义的第一步。我们一直都希望远先生会选择以谦卑的态度来对这些指控作出反应,来忏悔自己的行为,并进入一个符合圣经程序的恢复过程。但他选择不做任何一种有建设性的程序,那面对这麽多的严重的指控, 远从一切公共侍奉和事工中离开的决定是应该的。


我们感谢18位华人牧师“作为蒙基督恩召的牧者”,他们为世界做出了上帝的好牧人如何为神的羊和教会舍命的榜样,像神一样的来“受伤的,我必缠裹。有病的,我必医治┅┅也要秉公牧养它们”。他们勇敢地承担了组织独立调查委员会的任务, 并在爱中辛劳, 给各方迅速地报告出真相。他们的勇气,领导能力,公平和按照圣经处理的过程给我们的主耶稣和他的教会带来了荣誉。他们是所有的信徒和沉默多年的受害者的英雄。





Open Letter Regarding Yuan Zhiming’s Resignation

All Girls Allowed Board—In Jesus’ name simply love her!

March 3, 2015

We are pleased that the China Soul Board has taken action and removed Yuan Zhiming from ministry. We believe this is the first step in acknowledging his culpability and is vindication for Ling and perhaps others who are victims of Yuan’s immoral and evil actions. It had been our hope that Mr. Yuan would have respond with humility to these charges by repenting of his actions and entering into a biblically-defined restoration process. Having refused to take either of these constructive steps, it is only appropriate for him to remove himself from public ministry in response to the numerous and serious charges against him.

We encourage the China Soul Board to follow through on their commitment to carefully and fully investigate all charges against Yuan Zhiming. We look for them to receive his full confession and repentance so his victims can obtain the justice they deserve and a process of restoration can begin for all. It takes great courage and strength for victims of sexual assault to go public so they deserve to be respected, heard, trusted and honored, rather than being harassed and intimated. Our hope and prayer is that China Soul will exercise due diligence in pursuing this matter so that Mr. Yuan will ultimately pursue a path of repentance and restoration rather than deny his actions and defame his victims.

We thank the 18 Chinese pastors who acted “as servant leaders responding to the Lord’s calling”. They have modeled to the world how God’s good shepherds lay down their lives for the sheep, to “bind up the injured and strengthen the weak┅ shepherd the flock with justice”. They courageously took on the task of forming an independent committee of inquiry and labored in love to bring forth the truth from all parties. Their courage, leadership, fairness and biblical process brought honor to our Lord Jesus and His church. They are heroes to all believers and to the victims who have suffered in silence for many years.

We understand this is a difficult time for the Chinese Christian community. We grieve for the pain and disappointment we are all experiencing. Let us not turn our pain into attacks against our sister Chai Ling, other victims or the 18 pastors. Let us obey the Lord’s call to pursue unity and purity in the church. The Sovereign Lord is able to work redemptively through these events to bring about reconciliation and restoration for all who humbly seek His mercy, and to strengthen His Church for His glory.

Finally, we do believe that ending sexual violence against women and children is one of the key aspects of ending Gendercide. It is on the frontier of modern day evangelism, and an important part of the work of All Girls Allowed. We are committed to make the church ready for the victims of sexual assault to be welcomed and to restore their life, value and dignity. This is one way to show the world our motto in practice: In Jesus’ name, simply love her! And by our love to one another, the world will know we are His disciples.


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