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Saving and Renewing the World - Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

2018年12月28日 22:53 PDF版 分享转发

Saving and Renewing the World - Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

Saving and Renewing the World
Composed by D.F.
Conducted by Milen Nachev


In Chinese cosmology, much like Greek mythology, Heaven and Earth are distinct and distant, yet bridgeable. As Saving and Renewing the World begins, the sound of the gong summons us to a celestial realm replete with divinities. They answer a call from the Creator to follow him to the Earth, to save and renew it. Descending lines signal multitudes of beings coming down from the highest heavens to this world, where they impart to it cultural splendor. Delicate string melodies contrast with powerful percussion and brass as the male and female nobles of a new dynasty promenade.

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Saving and Renewing the World – Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

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