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Drums of the Grasslands - Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

2019年01月05日 9:21 PDF版 分享转发

Drums of the Grasslands - Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

Drums of the Grasslands
Composed by D.F.
Conducted by Milen Nachev


A festive gathering begins upon the great “grassy sea” of northern Asia. Mongolian youths beating traditional paddle drums dance exuberantly on the plains, evincing strength and agility. The distinctive sound of galloping horses is heard throughout the allegro section as mallets strike woodblocks and bows ricochet off strings. As the momentum of the piece is brought to a halt, a lone drummer dances to the strains of the morin khuur, or horsehead fiddle; here, its distinctive tone is imitated through blending cello with erhu. Finally, the tempo ebbs and flows as the men rest and rejoice.

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Drums of the Grasslands – Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra

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