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Erhu Music - Sorrow Melts Away - Shen Yun

2019年02月13日 9:10 PDF版 分享转发

Erhu Music - Sorrow Melts Away - Shen Yun

This erhu music composition was recorded at Boston Symphony Hall in 2014 as part of Symphony Orchestra’s live concert. Erhu and pipa music are cornerstones of traditional Chinese instrumentation. The best erhu music can evoke a range of emotions, this in spite of the fact that the erhu has only two strings.

Chinese erhu music has a history of thousands of years. This modern erhu composition was written by Junyi Tan of Shen Yun Performing Arts, and it retains many traditional elements. Here, it is played by three erhu soloists accompanied by a classical Western symphony orchestra.

Sorrow Melts Away is an instrumental arrangement of a Shen Yun vocal piece by the same name. It showcases the Shen Yun composers’ and musicians’ facility with combining Chinese and Western instruments. Featuring three erhu soloists and orchestra, the piece’s style draws upon rural folk influences of Shandong and Hebei provinces in northern China. While the slow section employs a more traditional erhu style, the faster section takes advantage of the instrument’s versatility through a series of spirited dialogues between erhu and orchestra. Finally, the contrasts between the Chinese stringed erhu and the Western strings are resolved when the orchestra comes together as a unified whole.


Conducted by William Kuo. Erhu soloists: Xiaochun Qi, Lu Sun, and Mei Xuan, all members of Shen Yun Performing Arts.
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Erhu Music – Sorrow Melts Away – Shen Yun

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