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A Sad Story behind a Happy Photo 快乐照片後的悲伤故事

2017年07月05日 23:52 PDF版 分享转发

作者: Thursday, January 12, 2017 ,来源:作者博客,文章取自网络,旨在为读者提供多元信息,文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。

A Sad Story behind a Happy Photo 快乐照片後的悲伤故事
Jennifer’s Photo Stories (3) 曾铮的图片故事(3)


This is my mother holding me when I was one year old or less. I guess babies at such an age all like to push their fingers into their mouths. My mum said she tried very hard to stop me when we were taking this photo, but only succeeded with half of the effort. Can you see one of my hands was pressed down by her fingers? As her other hand needed to hold me, so I still stubbornly and successfully put my free little hand in my mouth. Funny, right?
Well, the picture may look nice and happy. But in reality, things were very hard to us then. My father, who was the first university graduate in his village, was accused of being a “black pawn of reactionary capitalist-roader” during the “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”; and was dragged out of the hospital to be publicly denounced.
And my mother was forced to write dozens of copies of “self-criticism” with big brush pen; and to post them at appointed places. She tied me to her back with cotton tape, with a bucket of self-made flour paste in one hand, a big roll of dozens of “self-criticism” in the other hand; and went out to post the “self-criticism”. It took her the entire night to post them all.
Yes, that was the sad story happened shortly after this happy photo was taken.
For full version of Jennifer’s story, please click here:

Image may contain: 2 people, people eating and child

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