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片故事(9)Jennifer’s Photo Stories (9)

2017年07月06日 0:43 PDF版 分享转发

作者: Monday, March 20, 2017 ,来源:作者博客,文章取自网络,旨在为读者提供多元信息,文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。


Criticizing without Knowing or Understanding 小学生的无知批判

This photo was taken I believe when I was in my fourth grade of elementary school. I was obviously making a speech. At that time the “Criticize Lin [Biao], critics Kong[Confucius], counter the right-deviationist reactionaries” campaign was in full swing. Even though I had not quite figured out who Lin Biao and “Kong Number Two”[Confucius) were, I did what my teachers told me and threw myself into the movement. I copied critical articles from newspapers and modeled speeches on them, and I even wrote some derivative doggerel. So this photo was taken when I read one of my critical articles. I later won a “Criticize Lin, criticize Confucius, counter the right-deviationist reactionaries” activist award that was up on the wall at home for years.
这张照片应该是我小学四年级时照的。那时「 反击右倾翻案风」运动正如火如荼地开展。虽然我连林彪、「孔老二」是谁也没有十分搞清楚,却在学校老师的带领下积极地投身於这场运动,从报纸上抄了许多批判文章作发言稿,还写过几首象模象样的打油诗。这张照片就是我上台念批判稿时照的。为此,我得了一张「批林批孔、反击右倾翻案风」运动积极分子的奖状,挂在家里许多年。
Many years later, when I was already in university, I read the Three-character Classic for the first time. And I exclaimed in my heart: “Heavens!This is so good! And as a child I was forever criticizing it-how absurd!”
And sadly, that is still the reality in China. Only today’s elementary students are criticizing Falun Gong,without ever knowing what Falun Gong really is, or ever reading any of the Falun Gong books.
Also, I was actually wearing a “red scarf” of “The Young Pioneers” in the photo. I managed to remove it with Photoshop, as today I see it as a disgrace to wear it on me. Under the Chinese Communist Party’s rulings, 80 million Chinese people died of unnatural causes. I don’t want to have any connection with such an evil and murderous party. So I removed the red scarf with my awkward Photoshop skill.

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