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I’ve also Seen a UFO 我也看见过UFO飞碟

2017年07月06日 1:27 PDF版 分享转发

作者: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 ,来源:作者博客,文章取自网络,旨在为读者提供多元信息,文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。

Kurt Russell, a world famous actor, recently broke a 20-year silence about witnessing first hand the US’ biggest ever mass sighting in a BBC interview. This reminded me of a similar incident I experienced in late 1970s, or early 1980s, in which I believe that I had also seen a UFO.  
最近知名演员寇特·罗素(Kurt Russell)在一次BBC的采访中透露,他是20年前发生在凤凰城的美国最大的UFO事件中的那位被称爲不知其名(unknow)的目击机长!当他讲出这个经历时,在场几位嘉宾似乎一时被惊得不知该说什麽好。

I was about 10 years old then. At that time many people in China were still living in a somewhat “collective” way. People working for the same workplace not only worked together, but also lived together in dwellings belonging to the workplace; but assigned to the workers and their families to live. The workplace also organized limited entertainment events such as outdoor movies for its employees and their families. So in the factory that my father worked for, there was usually one free outdoor movie per week. 那是在1970年代末或1980年代初,那时很多中国人还过着集体化色彩很浓的生活。同一单位的人,不仅上班在一起,住也是在一起,由单位分配房子。每个单位像个相对独立的王国一样,要管职工很多事,比如提供简单的娱乐活动。一周一次的免费露天电影是那时最主要的职工「福利」。当时我父亲被发配在四川绵竹县汉旺镇的粮机厂工作,我们全家就住在单位分配给的简易平房中。


One night while watching a movie with over 100 other people, I somehow noticed a round, orange object with a spiral structure and slightly bigger than the run rising from the horizon, at the same spot where the sun rises every day. It slowly spun and moved across the sky. I couldn’t figure out what it was; but closely followed its movement with my eyes. With slow but steady pace, it soon sank underneath a mountain just like the sun; only the path it took was a different one. Our small town was “screened” by two mountains. The sun sinks beneath the mountain at the western side; while that object sank from the other mountain at the east. 有一天晚上,我与约一百名粮机厂职工和家属们一起看露天电影。看着看着,我不知怎麽就注意到一个圆圆的、橙色的、比太阳略大的东西,如太阳一般从平时太阳升起的地方缓缓地浮上来,它内部有一圈圈暗暗的螺旋式的结构,有点像我们平时看到的表现银河系的那种漩涡结构图。这东西升上来後,一边缓缓地自转,一边沿一条直线型的轨迹在空中平移,大约几分锺後,就如太阳下山一般,沉到山下去了。不过,它与太阳走的路线不一样。汉旺镇是被两座山如屏风般地「屏蔽」着的。太阳每天是从西边那座山落下。而我看到的那个有螺旋结构的橙色圆东西,是从东边那座山落下去的。

I also noticed that nobody else except me had ever paid any attention to this object, as they were all watching the movie with undivided attention. 看到那东西完全落下去之後,我才把视线转回大银幕。我发现好像除了我之外,谁也没注意到这个东西,因爲他们的注意力完全在电影上。

Several days later, I heard that UFO was sighted in our county. So I figured that what I had seen must also be one. 几天後,我听到有人说,绵竹县城里有人看见了。我当时就想,那我看见的那个东西,一定就是飞碟。

I have always believed so; although I’ve never spoken about it before. From all the evidence we have gathered, we might as well take the existence of “aliens” more seriously. 虽然已经过去几十年了,但当天的事,我仍然记得很清楚。其实我一直以来就相信我看见的就是飞碟。我以爲,对於飞碟和外星人的存在,人类应该已经有足够的证据了。只是,对於未知领域,很多人会觉得不谈爲妙,更加安全些,有的人甚至会去嘲笑试图谈论未知领域与未知事件之人。作爲我个人来说,我不会刻意去回避自己曾亲眼看见、亲身经历的事件。把这个「陈年老事」写在这里,算是作个记录与佐证吧。

Video: 附视频
Kurt Russell was the civil pilot witness to the phoenix lights UFO:
寇特·罗素(Kurt Russell)在采访中谈论20年前目击UFO的经历:


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