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内涵笑话 A Joke from Beijing

2017年07月30日 5:18 PDF版 分享转发

July 29, 2017

作者: ,来源:作者博客,文章取自网络,旨在为读者提供多元信息,文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。


A joke from Guo Degang, a famous Chinese comedian and xiangsheng actor in Beijing (See if you can get it):
“Once upon a time in ancient China, criminals who committed the most heinous crimes would be beheaded; and then their heads would be hung up high at the gate of the city wall. 
“However, with the head hung here, flyers would come and maggots would grow. It also stank badly and affected the public hygiene. So later on they didn’t hang the head there, and replaced it with a photo.”
The audience was at loss for a while, then some started laughing, some still felt bewildered. One people shouted out loudly, “No, it’s not a photo; it’s a portrait!”
Guo Degang knocked his fan on the table and said, “I am talking about a photo, not a portrait!”
“Brovo!” Everybody clapped.

 (以上中文是网上抄的,英文是我翻译的。English translated by me. Chinese copied from Internet.) 

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