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Is Reunification of South and North Korea an Option for the Chinese Communist Party?

2017年08月15日 4:09 PDF版 分享转发

August 14, 2017

作者: ,来源:作者博客,文章取自网络,旨在为读者提供多元信息,文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。


Years ago, I interviewed JOHN BOLTON( Team John Bolton​), author of this article, and was quite impressed by his sharp mind and his “right to the point” way of speaking.
I think what he outlined in the article is a very interesting way of dealing the the nuclear crisis created by North Korea. Is it doable? Yes, it is.  The problems are:
1. Xi Jinping is too busy dealing with all sorts of crises inside China, especially the legitimacy of the Communist Party and its Communalism ideology. Can he afford to have one of the last four remaining Communist regimes fall? That is a question.
2. Hundreds of thousands Chinese soldiers sacrificed their lives to “defend” North Korea in the so-called “Resist America and Rescue Korea War” in early 1950s; and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has always been glorifying this war. Even during Xi Jinping’s meeting with President Donald J. Trump in April this year at the  Mar-a-Lago resort,  the CCP supporters outside the venue were still playing the anti-America song entitled “My Motherland” from a famous CCP’ s propaganda movie “Battle on Shangganling Mountain”(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_on_Shangganling_Mountain). If the CCP let the North Korea collapse, what will they say to the Chinese people, who, deceived by the CCP propaganda, have always believed that China (led by CCP) has fought a righteous war to defend North Korea (and therefore  as well as China) against an US invasion?
3. If South and North Korea can be reunified (and assumably under the banner of democracy), people will naturally ask, “How about Mainland China and Taiwan”? Years ago, when reading an article about Taiwan Independence, I was very impressed by a comment of a Chinese netizen. It says, “Why bother to discuss Taiwan Independence? It is so much easier to ‘Fight back and Reclaim the Mainland’!”  Obviously this Chinese netizen believed that it was much easier to reunify Taiwan and Mainland China with democracy than to seek Taiwan Independence.
So, can CCP afford to risk this kind of mentality by allowing reunification of South and North Korea? It also remains a question.

Bolton: China is our last diplomatic hope for North Korea


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