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2019年02月15日 17:09 PDF版 分享转发


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Dear Officers of FBI, SEC, and IRS,

The Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Organization are said to be founded early of Feb. 2019. Now they are collecting donations online at the following websites:

The board members of this organizations declared that they collected at least million dollars donations on Feb 12, 2019, and collect at least one donation per minute through paypal. The key organizer, Kwok Miles posted many of sensitive information of donor’s, including bank accounts and amount of money donated. The board members told Chinese people that their organization are co-chaired by Steven Bannon and Kyle Bass. These two big guys would help the Chinese people to overthrow the Chinese government as long as people could make donations to them. Kwok miles and Sara Wei also told people that for those whoever donate to the Rule of Law Organization would get huge amount as return, just because their fund is managed by Steve Bannon and Kyle Bass. Many donor’s believed that their donations are just a type of investment with high return, and believed that their money would be managed by Steve Bannon and Kyle Bass.


contact info for Kyle Bass:
Phone: 214-347-8050
Email: [email protected]

Here are some pictures that are used by the organization as ads for their fundraising:

I hope you can investigate this case and stop this kind fraud activities as soon as possible.

Please check the attached files for some documents posted by this organization which disclosed some sensitive information of the donors.


Feb. 15, 2019

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