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从阿富汗看台湾 View Taiwan from Afghan

2021年08月20日 2:57 PDF版 分享转发

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从阿富汗看台湾 View Taiwan from A

从阿富汗看台湾 View Taiwan from A

从阿富汗看台湾 View Taiwan from A




当天有许多撤离、撤侨、逃离事件,一架空军 C-17 ,将大约有 640 名阿富汗平民,从喀布尔撤离到卡塔尔。阿富汗总统穆罕默德、阿什拉夫、甘尼(Mohammad Ashraf Ghani), 也於当天晚间,带着装满四辆汽车和一架直升机的现金逃离,由於数量庞大多到无法全部塞装入机,而造成有些现金置放停机坪上。













拜登在饱受各方指责後,於 8 月 16 日下午发表声明:「我们在将近 20 年前,带着清楚的目标前往阿富汗:捕抓 2001 年 9 月 11 日袭击我们的坏人,并确保阿凯达不得将阿富汗作为攻击我们的基地,我们做到了。我们严重削弱了凯达在阿富汗的基地组织。我们从未放弃追捕宾拉登,我们逮捕到他,那是十年前的事。我们在阿富汗的使命,从来就不应该是、替他们建立国家。也不是建立一个联合中央集权的民主。我们至今在阿富汗的唯一使命,就是防范恐怖组织攻击美国本土。」




阿富汗瞬间变天,在全球各地引起巨大回响与讨论。台湾那些亲共的政治人物例如,国民党主席候选人之一的朱立伦说,「加尼总统让我们想起,2008年前台湾有一个麻烦制造者的民进党总统;没有国民党,台湾就没有今天的繁荣。」 真是说得比唱得好听,满口胡说八道,事实正好相反。回顾1949年,是国民党流亡政府亡命逃往台湾;没有国民党,台湾早就已经住民自决、城了一个民主国家。


脱口秀主持人赵少康 说:「今天的阿富汗明天的台湾。美国不是台湾可靠的朋友,他们可以轻易放弃台湾,就像他们对阿富汗所做的那样。」赵本人将中华人民共和国视为可靠的伙伴,并强烈要求台湾被中国吞并,但他却又不愿衣锦荣归回到其祖国,只想在台湾当的马前卒摇旗呐喊。在他的认知里,美国应该有义务来维护,国民党在台湾的既得利益;骨子里认为,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分,迟早要被中国并吞。














文/谢镇宽(加州、海沃) 2021-08-19 14:20

View Taiwan from Afghanistan

Taliban took over Kabul

The Taliban are a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist armed group originating in the Kandahar region of Afghanistan. They entered the capital Kabul easily and smoothly on August 15, 2021, with almost no military armed conflicts. The Minister of the Interior of the Afghan Government Misakava immediately expressed his willingness to compromise, to hold talks with him in Qatar and start the details of the peaceful transfer of power.

President Ghani fled with cash

There were many evacuations of Afghan citizens and foreign civilians, and escape incidents that day. A U.S. Air Force C-17 evacuated approximately 640 Afghan civilians from Kabul to Qatar. The Afghan Presidents Mohammad Ashraf Ghani also fled that night with four cars and a helicopter full of cash. The number was so large it would not all fit in, so left some money behind.

Ten days then power changed hands

The Afghan government changed hands from August 6 to August 15 in just ten days, which is simply incredible. U.S. President Biden announced on April 14 that before the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks this year, all U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan will be withdrawn begin from May 1. Biden said: “Since the US military entered Afghanistan, it has gone through Bush, Obama, Trump and me. I am the fourth president. I will not pass this responsibility to a fifth president.”

Biden reiterated that the withdrawal was correct

He also publicly announced on July 8 that the US military mission in Afghanistan will end on August 31, marking the end of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He believes that the Afghan government has 300,000 regular troops and can withstand the Taliban’s 75,000 field army offensive. White House Spokesperson Pusaki also said on July 6 that Biden still believes that the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan is the “correct” decision, and confidently pointed out that the Afghan government forces “excelled in terms of training and equipment levels, as well as numbers over Taliban.

Seize power and plunder the terrain like broken bamboo

However, the facts are in front of us. The Taliban already controlled 85% of Afghan land on July 7. Since the attack on August 6, they occupied the northern city of Kunduz on August 8. Kandahar, the second largest city, Herat, the third largest city, and the provinces in the southwest, occupied Mazar-i-Sharif, the largest city in the north on August 14. On August 15th, the Taliban army entered the presidential palace in Kabul. President Ghani went into exile in Tajikistan that night. Government representatives announced the president’s resignation and expressed to the Taliban that they wanted to transfer power peacefully. The Taliban theology finally regained power 20 years after being overthrown. Return to Afghanistan to govern. However, Amrullah Saleh, the first vice presidents of Afghanistan, stepped forward resolutely on August 17 and declared that he was the legal caretaker president in accordance with the law and was willing to lead the people to continue confronting the Taliban. What is the ending, stay tune”Operation Neptune Spear”. In 2014, NATO International Forces ended their combat mission in Afghanistan and handed over security responsibility to the Afghan army. The Trump administration began peace talks with the Taliban in 2018 and reached a withdrawal agreement in Qatar in February 2020: If the Taliban comply with the agreement within 14 months, the U.S. and NATO forces will withdraw. President Biden announced the withdrawal of the United States on April 14, 2021, ending the 20-year “longest war.”

Trump toughed but Biden goes wrong

In the past 20 years, as many as 3,500 American soldiers have been killed and more than 20,000 injured. The United States once gave Afghanistan as much as US$2,260 billion in donations and provided complete security military training, but now they have all come to nothing. When President Trump was in power, he strongly and clearly told the Taliban to strictly abide by the agreement and obediently, otherwise they would flatten their lair at their own risk. Unexpectedly, when the Biden administration took over the implementation, it completely changed its tone. It was originally scheduled to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of September 11th. Unexpectedly, on August 15th, President Ghani of Afghanistan had already collapsed and fled. The executive power of the Biden administration is daunting, and his central intelligence system is ill-fated, and misjudgment is completely messed up.

Stationed in Afghanistan to prevent a terrorist attack

After being criticized by various parties, Biden issued a statement on the afternoon of August 16th: ” We went to Afghanistan almost 20 years ago with clear goals: get those who attacked us on September 11th, 2001, and make sure al Qaeda could not use Afghanistan as a base from which to attack us again.

We did that. We severely degraded al Qaeda in Afghanistan. We never gave up the hunt for Osama bin Laden, and we got him. That was a decade ago. Our mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to have been nation building. It was never supposed to be creating a unified, centralized democracy.

Our only vital national interest in Afghanistan remains today what it has always been: preventing a terrorist attack on American homeland.”

Well plan not a coincidence

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Myanmar on January 11 this year and met with the commander-in-chief of the Myanmar National Defense Forces Min Aung Lai on the 12th. The Myanmar National Defense Forces launched a military coup on February 1. Similarly, Wang Yi met in Tianjin on July 28 this year with a nine-member delegation led by Mullah Baradar, the second figure of the Taliban, and launched a military attack on government forces on August 6. Some people may say that this is a coincidence, but it is believed that a series of turbulences that have occurred in various parts of the world recently, including Myanmar, Afghanistan, the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world, are inseparable from China. Because China is the right man behind the scenes of all turmoil.

Taiwan would have self-determinate already without having KMT

The changed hand of power in Afghanistan in an instant, causing huge repercussions and discussions around the world. Those pro-Communist politicians in Taiwan, for example, Eric Zhu, one of the candidates for chairman of the KMT said, “President Ghani reminds us that there was a DPP president who was a troublemaker in Taiwan before 2008; without the KMT, Taiwan would not have what it is today’s prosperity.” What an empty promise, high-sounding words. It’s full of nonsense, but the opposite is true. Looking back at 1949, it was the KMT/ROC government-in-exile who fled to Taiwan; without the KMT, Taiwan had long since been self-determined by its residents and became a democratic country.

A pawn of PRC waving flag and shouting

Talk show host Zhao SK said: “Today’s Afghanistan is tomorrow’s Taiwan. The United States is not a reliable friend of Taiwan. They can easily abandon Taiwan, just as they did to Afghanistan.” Zhao himself regarded the PRC as a reliable partner, and strongly demanded that Taiwan be annexed by China, but he did not want honorarily to return to his motherland. He only wanted to be a pawn of the Communist Party in Taiwan and wave the flag as a chip of trojan horse. In his cognition, the United States should be obliged to safeguard the KMT’s vested interests in Taiwan. He believes that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and will be annexed by China sooner or later.

It reminds us KMT’s corruption

In fact, the changes in Afghanistan made the people of Taiwan clearly see that in 1949, when the KMT had absolute superiority in air force, army, and navy, it was inferior to the true portrayal of the disintegration of the Communist Party’s Eighth Route Army, because corruption was unpopular. Besides, it is shameless to say how many high-ranking KMT officials who were hoarse and wanted the people of Taiwan to oppose the Communist Party and resist Russia now have turned into Xi’s former guests who licked the Communist Party! The world is so big that I don’t know what the national identity of these people is, is it Taiwan or China?

Take responsibility to stabilize your position

Faced with the changing situation in Afghanistan, President Tsai Ing-wen expressed his opinion: “Taiwan’s only option is to make ourselves stronger, more united and more resolute in our determination to protect ourselves. It is not our option to do nothing but rely on others for protection.” In this way, only if Taiwan stabilizes its position, it will not overturn its boat in the gutter. In fact, what is more important is that Tsai Ing-wen must let all Taiwan people know whether we are fighting for the continuation and lingering government of the ROC in exile, or are we fighting for the establishment of democracy and freedom for 23 million Taiwanese?

An important partner for U.S.-Taiwan security

This is because the United States has been authorized as the principal occupying power of Taiwan in the San Francisco Peace Treaty, and it is obliged to safeguard Taiwan’s national defense and security. But the US has absolutely no obligation to fight the PRC on behalf of the ROC and fight for who is the representative of China. Because the people of Taiwan still don’t know whether the ROC wants to represent Taiwan, China, or both? Biden said that the US should never be the builder of any country. However, as the principal occupying power of Taiwan, the US is definitely a very reliable partner in safeguarding Taiwan’s security.

God helps those who help themselves and commit to take on the mission

Therefore, the Afghan regime change hand is a good lesson for the world. Communism denies humanity as a country of evil, stay away from it. The US is the leader of peace and freedom. Let us go hand in hand with him. The US will not fight for the ROC, but will absolutely defend Taiwan’s security, democracy, and freedom. However, the establishment of Taiwan is a sacred mission that all Taiwanese must undertake and shoulder.

John Hsieh

Hayward, California

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