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伦敦帕森地铁站发生爆炸 数人受伤

2017年09月15日 17:20 PDF版 分享转发

图为事故发生后帕森绿地站周围焦虑的民众(@RRIGS via AP)。
图为事故发生后帕森绿地站周围焦虑的民众(@RRIGS via AP)。



英国帕森绿地站(Parsons Green station )的一辆今天(当地15日)上午发生爆炸,数人受伤。

据电讯报报道,今天早晨8时20分左右,西伦敦帕森绿地站的一辆地铁列车后部遭人投掷 一包东西,一位目击者说看到一个装有类似于罐子的袋子被投掷到他们的地铁上,当时地铁上挤满了人。他表示似乎还看到从袋子中露出了一些类似于电线的东西。

In this image made from video, fire raises at a southwest London subway station in London Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. London's Metropolitan Police and ambulance services are confirming they are at the scene of "an incident" at the Parsons Green subway station in the southwest of the capital. The underground operator said services have been cut along the line. (@RRIGS via AP)
图中为那个仍然在燃烧的奇怪的袋子.。(@RRIGS via AP)

全副武装的警察、随即赶到现场,并护理了数位伤员,其中有些人面部被灼伤,还有一些人在惊慌失措躲藏时被撞伤或挤压伤。 一位目击者表示他们在现场看到了六辆急救车、五辆消防车和一架直升飞机。

Police officers stand at the scene of a southwest London subway station after an explosion in London Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. London's Metropolitan Police and ambulance services are confirming they are at the scene of "an incident" at the Parsons Green subway station in the southwest of the capital. The underground operator said services have been cut along the line. (@RRIGS via AP)
图中为事故现场的 (@RRIGS via AP)

伦敦警方在推特上留言道:“我们知道在帕森绿地发生了一起事故,警员已到现场。 ”


伦敦表示,他们暂停了从埃奇维尔路(Edgware Road)站到温布尔登站的地铁服务。


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