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2019年04月05日 5:54 PDF版 分享转发

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3月30日,一名中国女子擅闯海湖庄园被特勤人员逮捕,这名女子称她受到邀请从上海前来佛州棕榈滩参加一个“联合国友好协会”(United Nations Friendship)的活动,并且可以接近特朗普总统的家人。在此之前,有报道称海湖庄园的会员、移民杨莅创建并运营了一家公司,向中国企业高管出售与特朗普总统及其家人在海湖庄园会面的机会。这些事件引发美国多位议员担心其他国家可能将海湖庄园作为一个渠道,来影响美国的政策或从总统及其盟友那里获取重要的国家安全信息。







Washington, DC – United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.), Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, sent a letter to John V. Kelly, Acting Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security, requesting an investigation into whether the White House is interfering with or overruling Secret Service recommendations about which guests at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club should have access to the President. The letter follows recent reports suggesting the President’s Florida resort may be a channel through which foreign adversaries are seeking to influence federal policy or obtain important national security information from the President and his allies.

This week, The Washington Post reported that Secret Service agents arrested a woman who deceived her way into the Mar-a-Lago club with two Chinese passports, a laptop, and a thumb drive containing malicious software. The woman reportedly claimed that she was instructed by a Chinese friend to travel from Shanghai to Florida specifically to “make contact with a member of Trump’s family.” This report follows last month’s news that Li “Cindy” Yang, a frequent visitor to the resort and a member of the President’s Mar-a-Lago club, “created and operated a business that sold Chinese business executives access to President Donald Trump and his family at Mar-a-Lago.”

In their letter, Senator Warren and Congressman Lynch cited a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report—requested by Senator Warren in February 2017 and published in February 2019—which revealed that while the Secret Service is primarily responsible for establishing the physical security of the President, it is the White House’s Executive Office of the President (EOP) that “ultimately determines whether or not an individual should be granted access to the President.” The GAO report identified no shortcomings in the role and activities of the Secret Service, but reported that the EOP did not cooperate with the GAO investigation.

In their letter, the lawmakers wrote, “This refusal of the White House to cooperate with this investigation, combined with the arrest earlier this week and other allegations of easy access to the President and his family at Mar-a-Lago, mean that at least one key question remains open: is the White House appropriately reviewing and making the correct recommendations regarding which individuals are granted access to the President, at Mar-a-Lago and elsewhere?”

The lawmakers requested that Inspector General Kelly investigate this matter and specifically asked that the investigation assess whether the White House has overruled any recommendations by the Secret Service about which individuals should be granted access to the President at Mar-a-Lago or elsewhere.

Warren calls for investigation of White House role in admitting guests at Mar-a-Lago


4/4 Washington Post

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is calling for an investigation of whether the White House is overruling Secret Service recommendations about which guests at President Trump’s Florida estate should have access to him during his frequent weekend stays.

The request to the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security follows the arrest last weekend of a Chinese woman after she bypassed layers of security and gained access to the reception area of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club and was found carrying two passports and a thumb drive containing malicious software, according to court documents.

In a letter, Warren, along with Rep. Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.), cited a Government Accountability Office report published last month that said the White House ultimately determines who sees the president after vetting by the Secret Service. The report said the White House did not respond to a request for comment on the GAO’s findings.

“This refusal of the White House to cooperate with this investigation, combined with the arrest earlier this week and other allegations of easy access to the President and his family at Mar-a-Lago, mean that at least one key question remains open: is the White House appropriately reviewing and making the correct recommendations regarding which individuals are granted access to the President, at Mar-a-Lago and elsewhere?” Warren, a 2020 presidential contender, and Lynch, who chairs a House panel on national security, said in the letter.

The investigation request comes amid growing scrutiny of security and possible espionage efforts aimed at Mar-a-Lago, which Trump uses both as a presidential retreat and a moneymaking resort.

Hundreds of members, overnight guests and partygoing strangers stream into the president’s “Winter White House” every weekend, requiring the Secret Service to screen them against lists of approved visitors.

When a woman — identified as Yujing Zhang, a Chinese national — approached the club last week, security officials found that she was not on the approved list but let her in anyway after a Mar-a-Lago staff members suggested that she might be the relative of a club member. Secret Service agents later detained the woman in the club’s main building.

On Wednesday, Trump said that he had a brief meeting about the incident but that he was not concerned about potential espionage efforts aimed at Mar-a-Lago. He praised the Secret Service, as well as a receptionist who first noticed that something was amiss with Zhang.

“We have very good control,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “The person at the front desk did a very good job, to be honest with you.”

On Wednesday, three other leading Senate Democrats asked FBI Director Christopher A. Wray to investigate whether foreign spies could exploit weaknesses at Mar-a-Lago to steal classified information.

Zhang’s arrest “raises very serious questions regarding security vulnerabilities at Mar-a-Lago, which foreign intelligence services have reportedly targeted,” wrote Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.); Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee; and Sen. Mark R. Warner (Va.), vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee.

China providing services to woman arrested at Mar-a-Lago

Associated Press

Thursday, April 04, 2019

BEIJING – China says it has been informed of the arrest of a Chinese woman at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club over the weekend and is providing her with consular services.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told reporters Thursday that the Chinese Consulate General in Houston had been notifiied of the March 30 arrest, had gotten in touch with the person involved and was providing her with consular assistance. Geng gave no details.

Yujing Zhang is being held on charges of lying to agents and illegal entering.

Court documents allege 32-year-old Zhang told a Secret Service agent Saturday she was a Mar-a-Lago member there to use the pool.

Agents were later summoned and they say Zhang began arguing during an interview. They say a thumb drive in her possession contained malware.



2019年4月4日 10:26


华盛顿 —




32岁的中国女子张玉静(Yujing Zhang,音译)星期六进入海湖庄园后被逮捕。根据美国联邦政府星期一向法庭递交的刑事诉状,她被控向联邦探员撒谎以及擅自进入禁区。

参议院少数党领袖舒默、参议员马克·沃纳和黛安·费恩斯坦致信联邦调查局(FBI)局长克里斯托弗·雷,要求FBI “评估海湖庄园存在的风险,这种风险来自于在一个公众和外国人可以进出的地方设置处理机密信息的区域。”



美国联邦政府提交的诉状说,张玉静在进入海湖庄园时的安检处对特勤局特工说她是俱乐部会员,想去用里面的游泳池,但是进入庄园被另一名特勤局特工叫住问话后又改口说,有个叫“查尔斯”的中国朋友通过微信请她从上海前来佛州棕榈滩参加一个“联合国友好协会”(United Nations Friendship)的活动,并且可以接近特朗普总统的家人,谈论美中经济关系。

张玉静说的活动与一个名为“联合国华人友好协会”(United Nations Chinese Friendship Association)的组织的名字类似,这个协会的秘书长叫查尔斯·李(Charles Lee)。







《迈阿密先驱报》说,查尔斯·李是前些天成为新闻人物的佛罗里达州女商人杨莅(Cindy Yang)的商业伙伴。这位来自中国东北的移民被指刻意接近特朗普总统和家人以及其他共和党高层人物,包括参加在特朗普总统的海湖庄园举行的活动,还向中国商人兜售她与美国上层的联系。

《迈阿密先驱报》说,张玉静3月30日前往参加的活动是杨莅推介的一个名为Safari Night的活动,查尔斯·李也在微信上推销了这场活动,并且在广告上贴出他与杨莅的合影。杨莅还推介过在3月30日举行的另一场在海湖庄园举行的名为“顶级富豪私人俱乐部”的活动。这两场活动后来都被取消了。

杨莅否认认识查尔斯·李和擅闯海湖庄园的中国女子。杨莅的律师伊万·特克(Evan W. Turk)在一份声明中说:“我们的客户声称,她不认识周末在海湖庄园被逮捕的那名女子。一些文章中提到的李博士与我们的客户照过两次合影。除此之外,她表示,她与他没有联系。”





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