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“台北法”在美众议院通过表决 多位议员欢呼

2020年03月05日 11:41 PDF版 分享转发

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  • 锺辰芳
美国国会众议院2020年3月4日以415比零票表决通过“2019年台湾盟邦国际保障与强化倡议法”,简称“台北法” (网络截屏)
美国国会2020年3月4日以415比零票表决通过“2019年盟邦国际保障与强化倡议法”,简称“法” (网络截屏)

“台北法”在通过表决 多位议员欢呼

华盛顿 — 


美国国会众议院星期三(3月4日)以极高票数的415比零通过旨在协助台湾维护邦交的“2019年台湾盟邦国际保障与强化倡议法”,简称“台北法”(S. 1678),参众两院提案人都表示欢呼,认为在中国加大压力霸凌台湾,试图限缩台湾的国际空间与全球外交承认的时刻,这个超越党派的法案将增强台湾在世界上的地位。

“The United States should use every tool to support Taiwan’s standing on the international stage,” said Senator Gardner. “This bipartisan legislation demands a whole-of-government approach to ramp up our support for Taiwan, and will send a strong message to nations that there will be consequences for supporting Chinese actions that undermine Taiwan. I applaud the U.S. House of Representatives for unanimously advancing this critical bipartisan legislation, and I will continue to advocate on behalf of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people, as guided by United States law.”

在一个联合声明中科罗拉多州共和党籍参议员,也是法案原始提案人加德纳(Cory Gardner, R-CO)说,美国应该使用所有的工具来在国际舞台上的地位,“这个不分党派的立法要求以全政府方式来加大我们对台湾的支持,它也将发出一个强烈的信息,告诉那些国家支持中国削弱台湾的行动将带来后果,”他将继续在美国法律规范下为台湾及台湾人民发声。

另一位参议院提案人特拉华州党参议员库恩斯(Chris Coons, D-DE)表示,众议员通过这个重要立法“将协助强化台湾的民主,它的自由市场经济以及它在世界舞台上的地位。”

“The House passage of this important legislation will help to strengthen Taiwan’s democracy, its free market economy, and its standing on the world stage,” said Senator Coons. “I look forward to seeing this bill passed into law.”

The TAIPEI Act requires a U.S. strategy to engage with governments around the world to support Taiwan’s diplomatic recognition or to strengthen unofficial ties with Taiwan, calls on the State Department to exercise a range of diplomatic and assistance options with regard to any government that takes adverse actions with regard to Taiwan, and articulates a clear U.S. policy to support Taiwan’s participation in appropriate international organizations. The bill also calls on the Administration to enhance economic cooperation with Taiwan.

“台北法”在众议院的提案人,犹他州共和党众议院匡希恆(John Curtis, R-UT)也表示,他很骄傲看到这个法获得无异议表决通过,“这个法案强化台湾在世界上的地位,它将推动自由贸易协商、支持台湾参与国际组织、保障它与邦交国的关系。这个立法将发出一个强而有力的声明,展现美国与它在全世界的民主和自由市场伙伴站在一起。”

“I’m proud to see today’s unanimous passage of the TAIPEI Act, which strengthens Taiwan’s position in the world by promoting free trade negotiations, supporting Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, and protecting its relations with its allies,” said Congressman Curtis. “This bill makes for a powerful statement and demonstrates that the United States stands with its democratic and free-market partners throughout the world.”

另一位提案人,德州民主党众议员冈萨雷斯(Vincent Gonzalez, D-TX)也说,“美国与全世界民主体制都应该对中国压迫台湾的作为感到担忧,”他很荣幸支持“台北法”的通过并与台湾站在一起,“它是一个自由兴盛的民主。”

“The United States and democracies around the world should be concerned by China’s efforts to suppress Taiwan,” said Congressman Gonzalez. “I am proud to support passage of the TAIPEI Act and stand in solidarity with Taiwan, a free and thriving democracy.”



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