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2021年03月20日 16:04 PDF版 分享转发

文:Larry Elder


He was one of America’s most popular presidents — handsome, charismatic, a war hero. He believed a strong military was the best guarantor of peace; he explained that cutting taxes was the best way to grow the economy; he firmly opposed racial quotas, and was horrified by the idea of​​ unrestricted abortions.

Can you name him?

Here’s one more clue: He was not a Republican. The answer is: John F. Kennedy.

When he was elected president in 1960, Kennedy’s views were considered mainstream in the Democratic Party. But while the Kennedy name is still revered by the Democrats today, the policies he espoused are not.
当他在 1960 年当选总统时,肯尼迪的一系列观点被认为是民主党内的主流。但是现如今,虽然肯尼迪依旧在民主党内部饱受尊崇,但是他支持的一系列政策早已被抛弃。

Ronald Reagan, America’s 40th president, who was a Democrat much of his life, famously said, “ I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.”
罗纳德·里根,美国第 40 任总统,他大半生都是,有一句名言:“ 并不是我离开了民主党,而是这个党抛弃了我。”

So, if Kennedy were alive now, which party would he belong to? It’s impossible to know, of course. But we can compare his political positions to those of today’s Democratic Party.

On race:

JFK disliked the idea of​​ using racial preferences and quotas to make up for historic racism and discrimination. Today, affirmative action is Democratic Party orthodoxy, but Kennedy thought such policies were counterproductive.


“ I don’t think we can undo the past,” Kennedy said. “ We have to do the best we can now…I don’t think quotas are a good idea…We are too mixed, this society of ours, to begin to divide ourselves on the basis of race or color.”
肯尼迪说:“ 我想我们无法改变过去。我们必须在此时此刻尽我们全力……我并不认为配额是个好主意……我们身在一个属于我们的’社会大熔炉’,无法基于种族或者肤色分割彼此。”

On taxes:

Kennedy was an ardent proponent of across-the-board tax cuts, believing that more cash in the hands of all Americans, including the so-called wealthy, and a lighter footprint from the IRS would grow the economy. “ A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits,” Kennedy said in an address to the nation shortly before his death. “ Every taxpayer and his family will have more money left over after taxes for a new car, a new home, new conveniences, education and investment . Every businessman can keep a higher percentage of his profits in his cash register or put it to work expanding or improving his business.”
肯尼迪是全面减税的殷切倡导者,笃信应该让更多现金保留在所有美国人手中,包括所谓的富人;以及国家税务局越少涉足,越有利于经济增长。 “ 减税意味着更高的家庭收入和公司盈利,”肯尼迪逝世前不久在全国讲话上说,“ 每一位纳税人以及他的家人在缴税后,会剩下更多的钱用来购买新车、新家、新的生活必需品、教育资源以及投资产品。所有商人都可以保留更多的盈利在自己手中,或者用这些收益去扩张或改善自己的经营业务。”

On foreign policy:

Kennedy was very firm about his red lines. When the Soviet Union built missile sites in Cuba, leading to what is known as the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy threatened a decisive military response. The Soviet Union backed down. JFK believed, as Ronald Reagan did , in peace through strength, not strength through peace. In his inaugural address, Kennedy made the case for a strong US military. He saw this as the only way to deter America’s enemies. “ Only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt,” he said, “ can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.”
肯尼迪对于自己的“ 红线”十分坚定。当苏联在古巴修建导弹发射基地,导致著名的古巴导弹危机,肯尼迪威胁将采取果断坚决的武力回应,苏联退缩了。肯尼迪相信,也正如罗纳德·里根所坚信的,以实力求和平,而不是以和平求实力。在他的就职演讲中,肯尼迪提出加强美国军事实力,视之为震慑美国的敌人的唯一途径。他说:“ 只有当我们的武装强大到毋庸置疑,我们方能确信它们永远不会派上用场。”

On gun rights:

Kennedy was one of eight US presidents who was a lifetime member of the NRA. Here’s what he said about the Second Amendment: “ We need a nation of minutemen – citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life, and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.”
肯尼迪是 8 位为美国步枪协会终身会员的总统之一。以下是他对于宪法第二修正案的看法:“ 我们国家需要义务民兵,公民不仅时刻准备拿起他们的武器,而且视捍卫自由为他们日常生活的一个基本目标,并且愿意为这一自由自觉地奋斗与牺牲。”

On abortion:

Kennedy was assassinated a decade before the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade. Abortion was not a major issue during his administration.

But we do know that he nominated Justice Byron White, a Democrat, to the Supreme Court. White was one of two justices who dissented in Roe v. Wade. We also know that Kennedy abhorred Japan’s post-WWII use of abortion as a means of population control, saying: “On the question of limiting population: As you know, the Japanese have been doing it very vigorously, through abortion, which I think would be repugnant to all Americans.”
但是我们知道,肯尼迪提名拜伦·怀特法官,一名民主党人,为最高法院大法官。怀特是在罗诉韦德案中持不同意见的两位法官之一。我们也知道肯尼迪厌恶日本在二战后将堕胎作为控制人口的手段,他说:“ 在控制人口的问题上:如你们所知,日本已经在不遗余力地进行,以堕胎为手段。而在我看来这是所有美国人都反感的。 ”

Today, if a Democrat advocated the positions on race, taxes, foreign policy, guns and abortion that our 35th president once did, he wouldn’t be a Democrat. He’d belong to that other party.
今天,如果一位民主党人在种族、税制、外交政策、持枪权和堕胎上主张的立场和我们第 35 任总统一致,他不会是一名民主党人。他将会属于另外一个党派。

I’m Larry Elder for Prager University.
我是拉里·埃尔德为 PragerU 制作。

来源:风灵   中英对照文本   翻译:猕猴桃 | 校对:mangosteen FungChuh

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