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【王友群專欄】請全世界70億人民來評判 ——關於致美國總統奧巴馬的《關於政治庇護的請求信》的說明

2016年11月11日 7:02 PDF版 分享轉發


中國有句格言:「 事實勝於雄辯,公道自在人心。」 當今中共官場一個最突出的特點就是 「 騙 」 ,而對待 「 騙 」 的唯一辦法就是將真相暴露在陽光下,讓聯合國193個成員國的政府來監督,讓全世界70億人民來評判。為此,特將我2016年1月7日致奧巴馬的公開信全文發表。下面先做一點說明。



2016年1月9日,我在致章啟月的第六封信后中,還附了一封英文信Letter of Request for Political Asylum– An Open Letter to US President Obama(《關於政治庇護的請求信——致美國總統奧巴馬的一封公開信》),請章啟月收到后,一併轉遞習近平主席。上述8封特快專遞寄出至今,我沒有收到章啟月的任何迴音!我懷疑:這8封特快專遞全部被章啟月扣押了。

2016年8月12日,希望之聲國際廣播電台記者採訪了我,這篇訪談當天以《請章啟月總領事不要欺騙習近平主席》為題公開發表。其中,我專門引用了2400年前中國哲學家孟子的話:「 無是非之心,非人也。」 特別談到,江澤民的殘餘勢力還在繼續迫害法輪功,一些不明真相的人,還在助紂為虐!國內有這樣的人,國外也有。我給章啟月寫信、寄信的目的,完全是為了章啟月不要成為孟子所說的 「 非人」 。


在2015年12月19日致章啟月的第三封信中,我寫道:「 你今天可以選擇扣押我寫給習近平主席的信,也可以選擇按照法定職責,按照正常的請示報告制度,向崔天凱大使報告。我希望你能依法履行職責,及時向崔天凱大使報告我致習近平主席的信。你報告了,是正常履職;你隱瞞了,就是嚴重失職,將來肯定會追究你的責任。」



Letter of Request for Political Asylum

– An Open Letter to US President Obama

Dr. Youqun Wang, China

January 7, 2016

Dear President Obama,


Jiang Zemin started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, and I’ve been persecuted in the 16 years since. Franklin Roosevelt, the 32rd president of the United States, put forward four fundamental freedoms any individual should have, namely, freedom of belief, freedom of speech, freedom from fear and freedom from want. For me, nearly all of those freedoms have been denied.

On September 1, 1999, my 6-year-old son started his elementary school, while I was held in solitary custody awaiting investigation. On September 1, 2008, my 15-year-old son became a senior high school student, while I was held in the No.1 Detention Center of Beijing City. On September 1, 2011, my 18-year-old son went to university, while I was serving jail terms in Qian Jin Prison under Qing He Branch of Beijing Prison Administration. Was it because of money, women, suicide or homicide? It was none of that; it was only because I spoke the truth on Falun Gong.

My name is Wang Youqun, and I am 53 years old. In August 1994, I graduated from the Department of International Politics, the People’s University of China and got my Ph.D. in Law. I was then assigned to work in the Law and Regulation Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party, also known as the Law and Regulation Division of the Supervision Department of the People’s Republic of China. I was one of the writers for Wei Jianxing, former member of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee and Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).

In the four years between May 3, 1995, when I started practicing Falun Gong, and April 25, 1999, I was in excellent health and didn’t spend a penny of my work place for medical reasons. Besides, I won the confidence of my supervisors for my good work, and was involved in work of top secrecy in communist China’s party, government, and army, such as projects designed to prevent army, armed police, and political and legal bodies from doing business.

On April 25, 1999, a world-shocking event took place in Beijing. About 10 thousand Falun Gong practitioners went to Zhongnanhai, the compound for the offices of the State Council and the CCP’s Central Committee, for a peaceful petition, asking the Chinese government to allow Falun Gong a legitimate environment for its spiritual practice. On the night of that day, Jiang Zemin, then the top leader of the CCP, who had never seriously looked into the issue of Falun Gong, wrote a letter to the standing members of CCP’s political bureau and abruptly demanded a “defeat of Falun Gong”.

I went to Zhongnanhai too on April 25, 1999, and on April 29, 1999, the leaders at the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Department transmitted Jiang Zemin’s letter to me. I thought at the time that Jiang Zemin might not know well enough about the truth of Falun Gong, so on May 7, 1999, I wrote a letter to Jiang Zemin, entitled “Falun Dafa brings only benefits but no harm to the country and the people,” and sent it to him by registered mail.

On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin made the decision to crack down on Falun Gong. On the same day, I was arrested and held in solitary custody by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Department for four and a half months. For those 135 days, I completely lost my personal freedom and was closely watched around the clock by armed police when I ate, slept, used bathroom, did laundry, took show or had my haircut, and etc. And finally I was expelled from the CCP membership-the toughest penalty within the party-and fired from work. My human right situation kept getting worse since.

Because I insisted on speaking the truth on the issue of Falun Gong, the Xicheng District Court of Beijing City and the No.1 Intermediate Court of Beijing City sentenced me to a prison term of five years starting July 11, 2008 and ending July 10, 2013 on a charge of “using evil cult organization to undermine the application of law”. From the day when I was taken into the detention center to the day when I was sentenced to a jail term, everyone who had been dealing with my case had been telling lies: the witness was deceiving the pretrial police, the pretrial police was deceiving the prosecutor, the prosecutor was deceiving the initial trial judge, the initial trial judge was deceiving the final trial judge, and the final trial judge was deceiving the prison police officer, and finally all of these people conspired to deceive Hu Jintao, the then top leader of the CCP, while the people in China and in the world were deceived too.

On August 10, 2010, while I was languishing in hell on earth, Zhou Tao, the judge at the Xicheng District Court of Beijing City, acted without conscience and ordered I leave my wife and kid in a divorce judgment, in total disregard of objective facts. On November 22, 2010, I filed an appeal to the No.1 Intermediate Court of Beijing City, accusing in writing He Guoqiang, then member of the CCP’s political bureau and Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, of deliberately causing the falling apart of my family, a serious violation of both law and discipline. On April 27, 2011, the No.1 Intermediate Court of Beijing City handed down the final judgment that withdrew Judge Zhou Tao’s decision.

On July 10, 2014, I wrote a letter to China’s president, Xi Jinping and dropped it at Beijing Dongsi Post Office. The letter was addressed to President Xi Jinping c/o Li Zhanshu, Director of the Central Office of the CCP Central Committee and sent by registered mail (XA36402199511). I wrote in the letter:”On May 16, 2014, my wife and I sent in our passport applications to the public security office. On May 28, I received our two passports issued by the Exit & Entry Administration of the Ministry of Public Security. My passport number is…….”

On January 22, 2015, I presented my passport to China’s border police and cleared the customs at the airport in Beijing, and flew directly to Newark, the United States on a United Airlines flight. Between November 17, 2015 and January 4, 2016, I sent to Zhang Qiyue, Consul General of China’s Consulate General in New York, five express mails, four of which attached with my letter to China’s President, Xi Jinping. In my letter to Xi, I expressed a strong request for the arrest of Jiang Zemin. My fifth letter to Ms. Zhang Qiyue was attached with a letter to President Obama of the United States, entitled “A Letter of Request for Political Asylum”.

In my letter of November 17,2015 to Ms. Zhang Qiyue, I wrote, “Pursuant to the law of the United States, I must submit my request for political asylum to the U.S. government within one year. As of today, there are 67 days left before my deadline of January 22, 2016.” As this is an issue of a Chinese citizen requesting political asylum from the American government, in standard practice in a normal state, Ms. Zhang Qiyue should have immediately reported to her superiors my letter to President Xi Jinping. Yet, 50 days have gone by since my letters were sent out, and not a single word in reply from Ms. Zhang Qiyue.

In my letter of December 21, 2015 to Ms. Zhang Qiyue, I wrote, “I am consistent in doing anything. For everything I do, I am responsible today, I will be responsible tomorrow, and I will be responsible forever.” “I hope that you will carry out your mandated duties by reporting to Ambassador Cui Tiankai my letter to President Xi Jinping. If you report it, you are fulfilling your duty. If you withhold it, that’s dereliction of duty and you will be held responsible for it later.”

In my letter of December 29, 2015 to Ms. Zhang Qiyue, I wrote, “This is the fourth letter I wrote you, and attached is a letter addressed to President Xi Jinping, entitled ‘The Most Sophisticated Technology in the 21st Century Is Dwarfed by Falun Buddha Law”. Would you please transmit it to President Xi Jinping upon receipt. ” “It is December 25 today, and there are 28 days left before the deadline of January 22, 2016 by which I have to submit my request to the U.S. government for political asylum.” “I repeat: I am consistent in doing anything. I am responsible to the end for every letter I sent you, and hope that you will carry out your mandated duties and be responsible to the end for your own behaviors.”

In the letters I asked Ms. Zhang Qiyue to transmit to President Xi Jinping, I recalled how my civil rights have been denied, including the freedom of belief, freedom of speech, right to work, right to personal freedom, and right to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. To date, I have not received any reply from Ms. Zhang Qiyue.

It’s been nearly a year now since I came to the United States. As a faithful Falun Gong practitioner, I read Falun Gong’s classic, Zhuan Falun, and do its five exercises almost every day. On May 14, 2015, I attended the Falun Dada Experience Sharing Conference in New York. On July 16, 2015, I went to Washington, D.C. to participate in an assembly and parade held by Falun Gong practitioners to support lawsuits against Jiang Zemin. In the three months between August 17 to November 16, 2015, on almost every weekday, I joined Falun Gong practitioners in front of China’s Consulate General in Manhattan, who protested Jiang Zemin’s persecution of Falun Gong. Among them, I met the oldest Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Ding Hui, a descendant from an eminent family. She joined the Eighth Route Army at the age of 16 and used to work in China’s Seventh Ministry of Machine Building. Born on November 15, 1927, she is over 88 years old now. For nearly a year now, I have never been bothered by American police for reading Falun Gong’s classic, doing the five exercises, and participating in all the Falun Gong activities.

It’s been over 16 years since Jiang Zemin started the massive, senseless persecution against Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, and this vicious persecution continues. Every day at the “News in China” column on www.minghui.org, a Falun Dafa website, there are reports about Falun Gong practitioners being illegally abducted, their homes being searched, they being taken into police custody, harassed, tried in court, given wrong judgment, and forced to be brainwashed, etc. I am participating in all activities organized by Falun Gong, violating no American laws. However, if I return to China now, what awaits me will surely be police car, handcuffs, prison and torture.

You graduated from the Law School at Harvard University, and have profound legal knowledge and practical experience. The defense of human rights is the gene rooted in the Constitution of the United States of America and the bone marrow of the American people. At this moment of bidding farewell to the old year and ushering in the new one, I am writing you this letter asking you to help me obtain political asylum from the U.S. government.

Best regards

Yours sincerely

Wang Youqun


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