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2018年11月30日 23:30 PDF版 分享转发

Nov 29, 2018





John Roemer
Elizabeth S. and A. Varick Stout Professor of Political Science and Economics, Yale University

(Attendee of the 1st World Congress on Marxism hosted at PKU in 2015)

When I was a graduate student at University of California, berkeley, in 1968, we progressive students formed a similar support group for campus workers. This was part of our effort to build a Worker-Student Alliance. We were certainly not suppressed as the Chinese students have been. The idea that Marxist students should support the workers on their campuses is a natural one; the fact that the Chinese government is suppressing such students – even kidnapping then – exposes the political leadership as sham Marxists. A worker-student alliance is most basic necessity of a communist movement…I had already decided not to attend the next Marxist convocation in China.

约翰·罗默(John Roemer),耶鲁大学政治科学与经济学教授 (罗默教授出席了北京大学于2015年举办的第一次世界马克思主义大会


Allen W. Wood,
Professor of Philosophy, Indiana University

I am alarmed by reports of treatment of workers and students at Shenzhen Jasic Technology in Shenzhen China. I want to add my name to protests against this repression. I also want to join those who intend to boycott China’s World Congress on Marxism. I say this as a longtime Marx scholar who, before learning of this news, has recently published an article on Marx (in Chinese translation) in the journal Social Sciences in China (中国社会科学).


艾伦·W·伍德(Allen W. Wood),印第安纳大学哲学教授


Ruth Milkman
Distinguished Professor of Sociology, CUNY

At the School of Labor and Urban Studies at the City University of New York where I teach, many of our students are actively involved in unions and in supporting the efforts of workers to organize, both during their studies and after they graduate. I am appalled that leading Chinese universities have become involved in repression of their students and recent graduates who have supported the efforts by Jasic workers to organize a union. As a recent president of the American Sociological Association, the largest professional association of sociologists in the world, I support the boycott of China’s World Congress of Marxism and will urge my colleagues to do the same, as well as to scrutinize ties between their universities and leading Chinese universities complicit in this repression.

鲁思·米尔克曼(Ruth Milkman),纽约市立大学社会学杰出教授


Noam Chomsky
Laureate Professor of Linguistics, University of Arizona

The Chinese government’s crackdown on workers, labor activities and leftist students in recent weeks is deeply troubling. It comes into sharp contrast with how the Chinese government has been using Marxism as the main tool of ideological legitimation. To continue to participate in China’s World Congress of Marxism and other officially sponsored Marxism-related events means we would stay complicit in the Chinese government’s game. Leftist scholars around the world should join the boycott of such conferences and events.

诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky),亚利桑那大学语言学教授


Bridget Fowler
Professor Emerita of Sociology, University of Glasgow

Please note my boycott of this Congress [World Congress of Marxism] in the light of the Chinese State’s crackdown on labour and student activists in Shenzhen. I am actively involved in the movement for socialism in Britain and internationally, and might well have decided to visit China for the Congress in order to debate aspects of Marxism. However, I regard the right to unionisation to represent workers’ grievances, to free speech and to lawyers (especially when under arrest) as crucial for an emancipated society. It seems these procedures are being flouted in this case, which – sadly – helps to undermine the case globally for anti-capitalist goals.

布里奇特·福勒(Bridget Fowler),格拉斯哥大学社会学教授


Rebecca E. Karl
Professor of History, New York University

I would like to be included as a signatory on the statement strongly objecting to the Chinese State’s suppression of student and worker activists. The escalation in suppressing activity in China aimed at supporting the rights of workers to organize and the rights of students to speak their conscience is not only distressing, it is appalling, in particular for a state that professes to follow Marxism as a legitimating ideology of rule.

丽贝卡·E·卡尔(Rebecca E. Karl),纽约大学历史学教授


Chris Tilly
Professor of Urban Planning and Sociology, University of California Los Angeles

I condemn the Chinese government’s repression of workers and their supporters in connection with an attempt to form a democratic, accountable union at Shenzhen Jasic Technology. The right to organize collectively, in order to petition and press for better labor standards, is a basic worker right, a basic citizens’ right, and a basic human right. I respect much that the Chinese government has done to lift the country out of poverty, but overcoming poverty is not sufficient without justice and human rights. As one consequence of my concern with these grave human rights violations, I will be boycotting China’s World Congress on Marxism. [He can talk to media]

克里斯·蒂利(Chris Tilly),加州大学洛杉矶分校城市规划与社会学教授


Leslie Sklair
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science

As Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the London School of Economics and an admirer of the development of the social sciences in China over many decades, I find it deeply disappointing and worrying that leading Chinese universities have become involved in repression of their students and recent graduates who have supported the efforts by Jasic workers to organize a union. I therefore have no alternative but to support the boycott of China’s World Congress of Marxism and will urge my colleagues to do the same, as well as to scrutinize ties between their universities and leading Chinese universities complicit in this repression. I very much hope that this unfortunate situation can be quickly and fairly resolved and that the good name of the universities in China who have taken action against these students and former students can be restored.”

莱斯利·斯克莱尔(Leslie Sklair),伦敦政治经济学院社会学荣誉教授


Robert Wolff
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

I stand in solidarity with my Chinese comrades, whose courageous work demands world-wide support. All of us in the Academy who believe in the right of workers to organize condemn the actions of the Chinese government, and we condemn as well as any of our American universities that are complicit in these actions by silently continuing their cooperation with Chinese universities.

罗伯特·沃尔夫(Robert Wolff),马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校哲学荣誉教授


Ken Surin
Professor Emeritus of Critical Theory, Duke University

China purports to uphold Marxist principles, so it is with sorrow that I note the repressive measures taken by the government against worker activists and Marxists. The Chinese government needs to give these measures urgent reconsideration, otherwise our inspiration and exemplar Karl Marx will be turning over in his grave.

肯内特·瑟林(Ken Surin),杜克大学批判理论荣誉教授


Christoph G?rg
Head of the Institute of Social Ecology Vienna, University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna

I’m concerned that studying the work of Karl Marx and applying it to current working conditions are perceived as conflicting with the interests of a communist party. Critical and open minded discussions should be the basis of any strategies to construct a socialist society, otherwise we will miss this goal.

克里斯托弗·格尔吉(Christoph G?rg),维也纳农业科学大学社会生态学院院长 令我感到困惑的是,研读卡尔·马克思的着作并将其应用于目前的工作条件之中竟然会同一个共产主义政党的利益发生冲突。对于任何试图建设社会主义社会的策略而言,批判性的开放讨论都应当是其基础,不然就会偏离这一目标。

Ulrich Brand
Professor and Chair of International Politics, University of Vienna, Austria

In the last weeks I closely followed through international media the hard measures the Chinese police and government are taken against stundents and workers in the aftermath of the attempt of workers to form a trade union at Jasic Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd (Jasic). The Chinese way to socialism claims to improve the living conditions of Chinese people and the whole world looks on China to reach this peacefully. It is important that workers can organise and the students can raise their voices when they are in solidarity with workers. Therefore, I ask the Chinese police and government to set the imprisoned workers and students free and to enable an open debate about problematic working conditions. Karl Marx also insisted that a socialist and communist society required open discussions to detect and solve problems that emerge on the way to create a better society for all.

乌里奇·布兰德(Ulrich Brand),维也纳大学国际政治学教授



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