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2017年10月07日 7:25 PDF版 分享转发





沈彤随后出版了他的英文传记:Almost A Revolution!翻译成中文,就是说他差一点就发动了一场世纪革命!这本书让他大赚特赚了一笔。沈彤搞的基金会,更是借助天安门民主运动的名义疯狂募捐了一大笔钱。



1. 一种可能是中国特务系统同沈彤联手演练这种超限战,使得超限战战法日臻成熟、完满。

2. 另一种可能是中国特务系统为了更牢牢地控制沈彤这种外派特务,就给他派一个卧槽的老婆,时时加以监控。为了更牢固地控制,就略施超限战手段,让他不敢轻举妄动,要一切行动听党指挥。否则,就给他上手段,念紧箍咒。

3. 那就是玩的术。不是有刘刚揭露中共的各种超限战吗?不是说一旦有谁被中共超限战了,那个被超限战的人就一定是坚决反共的吗?那么好,中共就将计就计,给自己的特务也玩一个超限战,让那些反共的人来对沈彤给予最大的同情、支持、理解,乃至崇拜!


Torment of Tiananmen
By Kathianne Boniello

Millionaire anti-violence activist busted for beating his wife


By Rebecca Rosenberg October 4, 2017 | 8:42pm | Updated

Modal Trigger Millionaire anti-violence activist busted for beating his wife

Shen Tong in 1992 Getty Images

A millionaire businessman and self-described anti-violence activist who once helped to lead the famed Tiananmen Square uprising has been busted for beating his wife.

Shen Tong, 48, a successful entrepreneur and vocal supporter of the Occupy Wall Street movement, allegedly shoved his wife, Weiyu Lai, so hard during an argument that she cut her face and ended up with a black eye, court papers allege.


When cops showed up to their tony Soho pad, Tong admitted the two had been drinking and had pushed each other.

But Tong sought to reassure the officers by referencing his record of literary pacifism.

“I’m anti-violence,” he said. “Look at all the books I’ve written.”

Tong, the founder of software company VFinity and Food-X, which funds food-related startups, wrote an autobiography about his childhood and role as a key organizer of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.



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“The defendant’s push caused Ms. Lai to hit her face, causing a large lump over her eye, a scrape to her cheek, a laceration to her chin, bruising to her face and substantial pain,” the criminal complaint states.

Tong told cops when they arrived at his 5,500-square-foot luxury loft that he and his wife had been arguing since dinner. As he chased her out of the room, Tong claims she tripped and fell, according to court papers.

“I tried to walk away then I heard a loud noise, I turned around and saw my wife on the floor,” he said of the July 25, 2016, incident.

“I saw all the bleeding, she might’ve hit the door frame and that’s why I called 911,” he allegedly told cops.

A neighbor said he ran into Lai – a mother of three – the following day and noted her black eye.

“She was messed up,” he recalled of her face. “It was a surprise.”

Tong, who reportedly put his entrepreneurial ventures on hold in 2011 to join the Occupy Wall Street movement in Zuccotti Park, was indicted on one count of second-degree assault for the alleged attack on his wife.

A judge issued a temporary order of protection barring Tong from having contact with his spouse.

In his book “Almost There,” Tong describes the Communist government’s fierce military crackdown of the pro-democracy movement, which led to the massacre of hundreds of demonstrators.

He was featured as one of Newsweek’s People of the Year in 1989 for his leadership in the Tiananmen Square protests.

His defense lawyer, Alex Spiro, said Mr. Tong “denies the charges and will answer them in court.”

Additional reporting by Elizabeth Rosner

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