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Wearing Our Traditions—Costumes Through the Eyes of Shen Yun Dancers

2018年12月08日 13:53 PDF版 分享转发

Wearing Our Traditions—Costumes Through the Eyes of Shen Yun Dancers

What if you could travel back in time by simply putting on a costume? What if you could rediscover the virtues that were valued dynasty after dynasty? What if you could even become somebody else?

The costumes worn by Shen Yun dancers are inspired by China’s 5,000 years of civilization. Before the modern era, a rich and colorful culture flourished in China, also known as the Middle Kingdom. It was a culture said to be passed down from Heaven.

Now, join Principal Dancers Michelle Lian and Jay Huang as they share how it feels to wear a different costume each time they step onstage, and what it means to don ancient traditions that can shape the future.


Wearing Our Traditions—Costumes Through the Eyes of Shen Yun Dancers

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