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片故事(11)Jennifer’s Photo Stories (11)

2017年07月06日 1:26 PDF版 分享转发

作者: Sunday, May 21, 2017 ,来源:作者博客,文章取自网络,旨在为读者提供多元信息,文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。

Brainwashing in Different Eras 被且快乐着

This photo is my sister(right) dancing a Mongolian dance called “Ode To the Grassland” in late 1970s. Some of its lyrics  go like this:


“Twinkling stars in the sky may be numerous and countless

But they are no match for the number of the sheep in our commune


The clouds in the sky may be white and bright

But they are cast into the shade by the pure color of the cashmere of our commune






Our grassland can only thrive 

Under the brilliant radiance of our dear, great, esteemed and beloved Chairman Mao

 Following the guidance of our dear great Communist Party

We little herdsmen are growing up strong and happy







This kind of lyrics may sound disgusting for us now. However, we didn’t feel so when we sang the song and danced with it happily. And I heard even in today’s China,  “red songs” during the Great Cultural Revolution are still very popular among many people. 


Looking back at that time, I hope this photo can remind us what an absurd period we had lived through; and how brainwashed we were.


The problem is: Are we free of brainwashing today? Definitely not. Only the brainwashing methods are different; so many of us are still being “happily” and willingly brainwashed without realizing it.


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