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The Story of my Father- OFFICIAL TRAILER

2019年07月22日 7:01 PDF版 分享转发

作者: ,来源:作者博客,文章转自网络,旨在为读者提供多元信息,文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。


Father is the mountain

Father is the world


The story of my father


is one that needs to be heard.


It”s not just a story about himself

But connects to issues that impact us all.


 Once the most handsome man in the world for me

But his life had so many ups and downs.


I saw my father for the last time in 2001, before I escaped from China to flee the brutal persecution of Falun Gong.

13 years later, when my father was dying, I couldn”t obtain a visa to return to see him on his deathbed, because I practice Falun Gong, a spiritual practice still banned to this day by the Chinese Communist Party.

He passed away without seeing me. I felt so upset and silently cried for weeks.

I then decided to tell his story to the world.

For me, this is the best way to do something meaningful not only for him, but also for the world.


The Chinese version of "The Story of my Father" has won the Third Prize at the Epoch Time”s  Essay Competition to celebrate 200 Million Chinese people”s withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party and its related organizations.

Full series of the article at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/?tag=The+Story+of+My+Father


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