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2020年08月27日 12:44 PDF版 分享转发

来源: 光传媒 作者: 




My name is Chen Guangcheng. Standing up against tyranny is not easy,I know. When I spoke out against China’s one child policy and other injustices,I was prosecuted,beaten,sent to prison and put under house arrest by the Chinese Communist party,the CCP. In April 25,2012,I escaped and was given shelter in the American Embassy in Beijing. I’m forever grateful to the American people for welcoming me and my family to the United States where we are now free. The CCP is an enemy of humanity. It is terrifying its own people,and it is threatening the well-being of the world. In China,expressing beliefs or ideas not approved by the CCP,religion,democracy,human right can lead to prison. The nation lives under mass surveillance and censorship. The US must use its values of freedom,democracy and the rule of law to gather a correlation of other democracies to stop CCP’s aggregation. President Trump has led on this and we need the other countries to join him in this fight,a fight for our future. Standing up to fight unfairness isn’t easy,I know. So does President Trump. But he has shown the courage to wage that fight. We need to support,vote and fight for president Trump for the sake of the world. Thank you.

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