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专访何瑞元:How to distinguish Taiwan from ROChina?

2024年05月03日 5:09 PDF版 分享转发

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专访何瑞元:How to distinguish T


How to distinguish Taiwan from ROChina?

KMT legislative caucus whip Fu Kun-chi (傅崑萁) echoed PRC to called for the abolition of the Anti-Infiltration Act () and to amend regulations on national security.

How to untie the Taiwan-China tie?

The Taiwan Relation Act (passed by the US Congress on April 10, 1979) Section 15-2 de-recognized ROC, only recognized the governing authorities on Taiwan.

The US does not care how Taiwan named itself such as ROC Taiwan or ROC, only recognizes Taiwan as Taiwan.

But, how come the US recognizes and accept Taiwan people carries the ROC Passport to enter the US?

UN R2758: There is only one China, PRC is the sole legal government on behalf of China.

Does ROC represent China, or Taiwan, or both? Why not Taiwan is Taiwan? Taiwan is not any form of China, neither PRC nor ROC.

August 26, 2024 will mark the 400th anniversary of Taiwan history.

Hope President William Lai can make it clear at that time.

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