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阿波罗网编译:美媒的立场 96%竞选捐款给希拉里

2016年11月14日 15:16 PDF版 分享转发

Study:96 Percent of Media’s Campaign Donations Go to Hillary Clinton


The analysis was conducted by the Center for Public Integrity, and it found that 96 percent of campaign donations by roughly 480 media donors went to Clinton.

Roughly430 media people donated$382,000 to Clinton, while roughly40 media people donated$14,000 to Donald Trump’s campaign.



The center named many reporters, editors, and anchors who donated to Clinton and Trump, but did not provide a complete list of the400-some members of the press it investigated. The center’s study is titled “Buying of the President 2016: Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash.”

The established media has been sharply critical of Trump and his supporters.



Wikileaks has also revealed the ongoing collusion between a growing number of journalists and the Clinton campaign. Emails hacked from campaign chairman John Podesta show media personalities aiding Clinton and her campaign by secretly passing her debate questions,“teeing up” problematic stories for them, volunteering as informal advisors, and more.

Gallup reports trust levels in the media have hit their lowest since the polling company began tracking them in1997. Only32 percent of respondents say they have a“great deal” or“fair” amount of trust in the media.





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