栏目: 中国新闻

40岁女博士连生4娃身材犹如20岁 公开“带小孩=健身”秘方 拯救月子中颓废了的女人

生了四个孩子的妈妈,20岁的身材(bwmcfitness /instagram)


来源:希望之声  (记者王润综合报导)现在比较流行的一种潮流就是一个一旦辞去工作回家做全职妈妈好像就是生活大崩溃了






Double the TRXs = double the fun! ?? . Leggings by @popflex_active . #BWMCfitness #TRX #trxtraining @trxtraining #WHPplay #homeexercises #trxworkout #trxvideo #fitnessmom #homeworkout #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Jun 20, 2018 at 6:21pm PDT



这位妈妈名叫詹妮佛?格尔曼(Jennifer Gelman),



From Macau, with Love ?? . #BWMCfitness #loveisintheair #WHPrelax #weekendvibes #travel #bucketlist #motherhood #family #momof4 #boymom #Macau #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Jul 1, 2018 at 6:00am PDT






Transformation Tuesday from each of my boys at a few months old to now. Can you tell them apart as babies? . One day those little fingers will stop tugging on your hair and will bring you coffee in bed. . One day those little feet will no longer be dangling in the carrier while you cook but will help you set the table for dinner. . One day you will no longer wake to cries but to cuddles. . One day those little lips won’t be nursing but will be saying I love you. . One day, you’ll look up and see babies that turned into boys that will one day be men, and your heart will be fuller than you ever knew possible. . #BWMCfitness #transformationtuesday @scarymommy #motherhood #momof4 #unitedinmotherhood #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Mar 6, 2018 at 6:00pm PST


From pregnant on the beach for the fourth time to wrangling my 4 poolside. . I remember when my boys were all 5 and under, and what a crazy time that was for me! I also remember wondering and asking other parents with slightly older children if it got easier, because it just had to, right?! . This is for all of the Mamas I hear from everyday wanting to know how to get through the day and how to make time for their health. You will get there. Give yourself the time you need and keep pushing. . To the mothers who can’t find the energy to be as active as they want to be, you are not alone. To the mothers who are struggling to stay on top of the demands of parenthood, work, and life, you are not alone. To the mothers who have days they are wiping tears away because they feel like they are in the trenches, you are not alone. Motherhood is hard, so hard I wonder how I had so many babies, but even on the hardest of days, every part of me knows it is worth it, and I remind myself, it’s hard because it’s important. . I didn’t bounce back after my pregnancies, it was probably closer to a crawl, but that was okay because I was moving forward. Motherhood requires strength, energy, stamina, patience, and endurance, and small steps everyday have moved me forward for progress, not perfection, to have confidence to take on the day, and most of all be happier that I am doing something for me. We are raising the future, but we can't do it without taking care of ourselves as well. . ?Get up each day striving to be better than yesterday—you are capable of being stronger than you ever knew was possible. ?Let go of all or nothing because every step counts. ?Encourage yourself just as you do your children with all progress. ?Believe it will get easier because it will. ?Spoil yourself with consistency. ?Embrace the chaos, and see the magic in the mess because there is beauty within it. . Although we don't all share the exact same experience on this journey, there are many common threads, and we are in this together. Parenthood is quite a journey, but if we pace ourselves, and cheer each other on, we will make the climb a great one! ?? . #BWMCfitness #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Jun 19, 2018 at 6:00am PDT


From when my oldest was just 6 months old to now. ?? . This boy right here made me a Mama for the first time. As I earned my parenting stripes while he ran circles around me, I learned to be stronger than I ever knew possible. Even though it was the hardest job I’d ever had, my oldest made me want a bigger family and made me realize I loved being a mother. . Just as I was nervous to take him swimming and dunk him completely under water for the first time when he was a baby, I was also nervous a week ago as I watched him leave with his passport and suitcase for a school trip. Feelings of pride, fear, and love overwhelmed me as I watched him walk away to takeoff on his own adventure. . Motherhood is quite a journey filled with a constant mix of emotions that requires strength, patience, stamina, endurance, and bravery to raise the future and one day step back and let go. . “They are not ours to keep, but to teach how to soar on their own.” ~Unknown . Although it is impossible to enjoy every minute, I am incredibly grateful for this journey. ?? . #BWMCfitness #transformationtuesday #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Mar 13, 2018 at 7:00am PDT


It can be quite a struggle squeezing in a workout within the daily demands of raising a family, but I know that when I make time for my health it gives me the energy, patience, and stamina I need to be the best Mama I can be to these 4. When I make time for exercise it needs to be quick and effective, and I’m grateful for my Personal #PowerPlate for making my short bursts of exercise more powerful and helping me be strong enough to take on the day! ?? . I’m so excited to be partnering with @powerplateusa to GIVEAWAY a Personal Power Plate worth $1500 to one lucky winner! Enter now at the link in my bio and below: https://powerplate.com/contest . #BWMCfitness #family #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Apr 10, 2018 at 5:30pm PDT



No weights? No problem!?? Put your pots and pans to work for you! @justtrain said he’d be impressed with this type of workout if they were filled with water…#challengeaccepted!! Just add water and you’ve got some great resistance that requires focus on balance, & if you spill, just grab some towels and add the clean-up into your workout! ?? . Swipe to view exercises individually and in real time! ?? Save this workout for later and let me know how it goes! Who else is up for the challenge?! ?? . #BWMCfitness #challenge #momof4 #getfitathome #homeworkout #mycreativesummer_letscelebrate #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Jun 13, 2018 at 7:07pm PDT

Next time you’re waiting for your meal to be ready, squeeze in some fun and challenging @trxtraining handstand practice! Give this #TRX workout a try, and I would love to hear how it goes! ?? . Top by @onzie & leggings by @k.deer . #BWMCfitness

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on May 24, 2018 at 5:00am PDT

??GIVEAWAY TIME!!!?? . Clean-up time after dinner is a crazy time of day in our house! ?? Everyone is tired and suddenly no one seems to know how to clean up! ?? Can anyone else relate?! My go to is a quick and easy workout to help me take on the rest of the dinner time mess, and a Personal #PowerPlate workout gives me just the boost in energy I need! The platform vibrates making my muscles engage more and increasing the intensity of my workout. I love how it takes my exercise to the next level! ?? . Ready to win one for yourself?! I’m thrilled to be partnering with @powerplateusa for a giveaway of a Personal Power Plate, worth $1500! It’s super easy to enter! Complete the short entry form at the link in my bio and below: https://powerplate.com/contest . The last day to enter will be ?4/19? and a winner will be chosen at random ?on 4/20?. . Tag a friend and good luck!! ?? . Rules: ?woobox.com/v5vj28/rules? 18+, US residents only . #BWMCfitness #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Apr 2, 2018 at 6:00pm PDT



Who else hates washing whites?! ?? Let’s just say boys and white shirts are not the best combination!! ?? What do you do when you can’t find the energy to tackle the next load? My go to is a quick snack size spray & wash exercise to give me just the boost I need to take on the never ending laundry in this house! . Shrug & shorts by @popflex_active & nursing bra top by @mummactiv . #BWMCfitness #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Jun 1, 2018 at 6:01am PDT


When your kids don’t want to go to bed and you want to squeeze in a workout…?? . Top by @onzie & leggings by @fsafitness . #BWMCfitness #family #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on May 23, 2018 at 6:00am PDT


Making time for fitness within the demands of raising a family is challenging, messy, and crazy at times, but keeping self care a priority, modeling the importance of valuing health, gaining energy to keep up with my boys, and sweet moments like these make it all worth it and incredibly beautiful. ?? . #BWMCfitness #family #gratefulforthejourney

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Apr 30, 2018 at 6:02am PDT


Bedtime can be a little tricky on vacation, and sometimes you need a little reward before taking on tuck-in time! ?? . Top by @flexilexi_fitness & leggings by @nordstrom . #BWMCfitness #timeforbed #youshouldbetired #boymom #findingtheathleteineveryparent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Apr 18, 2018 at 6:00pm PDT


As I have shared my fitness journey, many have often commented that I make it look so easy, but behind every picture and video is love, sweat, and tears. It can be challenging making time for fitness within the everyday demands, but I enjoy the ups, learn from the downs, and remind myself that both are part of an incredible journey. ?? . #BWMCfitness #gratefulforthejourney #FindingtheAthleteInEveryParent

A post shared by BWMC Fitness, LLC (@bwmcfitness) on Mar 28, 2018 at 6:03pm PDT


